Get proof of your COVID-19 vaccination

You can get proof of your COVID-19 vaccination that's more secure than the card we gave you when you got your shots.

You can use this government-issued credential to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status.

We can send the credential to you:

  • electronically on your screen;
  • by email; or
  • by mail.
Get your COVID-19 vaccine credential


Complete the steps online to receive your credential.

Apply online


If you prefer, you can apply over the phone. Call the COVID-19 InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425.

Operators are available 7 days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Yukon Standard Time.

Provide supporting information

You may need to provide us with more information if:

  • you received 1 or both of your vaccinations in another jurisdiction;
  • you're asking for someone else's records and we need a consent form to verify you're their substitute decision maker; or
  • your contact information has changed since you were vaccinated.

Provide information

Verify a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential

You can verify the authenticity of a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential that was provided in the Yukon.

Verify credential

Common questions

Why do I need a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential?

The wallet-sized vaccination card we gave you when you were vaccinated shows your proof of vaccination. In the future this will likely not be enough for some purposes, such as travel. The new credential format is part of ongoing efforts in Canada and internationally to standardize proof of vaccination. The new credential has better security features than your vaccination card.

I currently do not have plans to travel internationally or have any other reason to get a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential. Do I need to get it?

If you do not have an immediate need for your proof of vaccination credential, you do not need to get it at this time. The format of the credential may change in coming weeks or months to a national standard. If this happens, you may need to request a new credential. This is why we recommend that you do not get a credential unless you need to use it within the next few weeks.

How do I know the online form is safe and secure?

Our online services undergo regular security audits. They follow best practices for online safety and security. As a best practice, we encrypt all your interactions. Only authorized people will be able to access the personal health information you submit.

What information is on the credential?

The credential has the following information.

  • Your full name.
  • Your date of birth.
  • The credential's unique identifier number.
  • The vaccine product name (for example, Pfizer or Moderna).
  • The date you got your vaccinations.
  • The vaccine lot number, territory or province the vaccine was delivered in.
  • The date the vaccine credential was issued.

View an example of a credential.

The credential also contains a special barcode called a QR Code. It has the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has information on the COVID-19 vaccinations you received and the government issuing process. The QR code enables your credential to be scanned to ensure it's authentic.

Can I request a proof of vaccination credential for my child?

If your child is able, they should ask for their vaccination credential themselves. However, you can help them request their credential online or over the phone.

Can I request a credential for someone else?

Yes, if you're authorized do to so. We'll need you to complete a consent or declaration form. Once you've submitted them, we'll keep them on file for future credential requests.

What language is the credential issued in?

The credential is bilingual. It's in English and French.

I cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccine for health reasons. Can I get a credential that states this?

At this time, credentials are only for people who have received full COVID-19 vaccination.

How long is the credential valid for?

The credential does not have an expiration date.

If the format of the credential changes or vaccination requirements change, your credential may no longer be valid. If you get a new credential, previous ones will no longer be valid.

If you plan on travelling internationally, you should:

  • check that your credential is valid; and
  • get a new credential, if it's invalid.

You can verify if a credential is valid.

If we need COVID-19 vaccine boosters in the future, will I need to update my credential?

Yes, you'll need to obtain a new credential.

I was not vaccinated in the Yukon. How do I get my credential?

If you are a Yukon resident, then you can get your credential through our service, as long as you provide the vaccination records from the jurisdiction where you received your vaccination.

If you are not a Yukon resident, you will need to get a credential through the province or territory you received your vaccine in.

I only received 1 vaccine in the Yukon and the other 1 in another jurisdiction. How do I get my credential?

You'll need to provide your out of territory vaccination records by using the support service. Once your records are on file, you'll be able to get a credential. To use our service, you must:

  • have received at least 1 COVID-19 vaccine in the Yukon; or
  • be a Yukon resident.

Will the credential be valid and accepted anywhere in the world?

We cannot guarantee it will be accepted everywhere because international standards are still emerging. The Government of Canada is working closely with other countries to develop a standard, which will be widely accepted. If needed, we'll update the Yukon credential format to meet the new standard. You may need to request a new credential if standards change.

Does the credential need to be printed? If so, does it need to be printed on special paper?

The credential is available in an electronic PDF format. You can also choose to have it sent to you in the mail.

You may need to print if the organization or business you need to show it to requires it to be printed. It does not need to be printed on special paper.

If you fold it, be careful not to crease the QR code since this might make it unreadable.

If I request a credential, and later request another credential (either online or via the phone), does my first one remain valid?

No, you can only have one valid credential at a time. If you request a credential and receive it, and later request another one, the first one automatically is invalid.

What happens if I need more than one copy of my credential?

If you receive a PDF credential you can print as many copies as you wish, or keep it on your phone to present when needed. If you receive your credential in the mail, you can photocopy additional copies, but this may make the QR code difficult or impossible to read with a scanner.

Can I request more than one copy of my credential, if I am receiving it via the mail?

You will only receive one printed copy in the mail, if you request postal delivery.

Do I need to take precautions when sharing my PVC?

You should treat this like any other government-issued record that contains personal information, and it should only be shown when required.

How long will it take to receive the credential?

If you've had both vaccines in the Yukon at least 14 days ago, you should be able to receive the credential immediately through the online service.

If you need to submit more information or provide vaccination records from another jurisdiction, it will take longer. We offer postal delivery as well. It may take 7 to 14 business days for credentials to arrive at Yukon addresses.

What's the purpose of this credential?

The credential gives Yukoners a government-issued proof of vaccination. It's more resistant to fraud than the vaccination cards issued at vaccination clinics. It will also contain a QR code, which can be scanned and read electronically. The data format is called SMART. There are some apps that can show you what’s in the QR code, such as Verifier Portal.

The QR code has the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has information on the COVID-19 vaccinations you received and the government issuing process.

What's ArriveCAN?

ArriveCAN is a Government of Canada app. It's used to provide mandatory travel information before and after entry into Canada. It's where you can upload your proof of vaccination credential. Learn more about ArriveCAN.

Will places such as bars, restaurants, gyms, hotels and churches be allowed to ask people to show their credential to get in?

It's legal for businesses to require proof of vaccination. You can use your credential to provide proof. You can choose who you share your credential with.

Will we need to carry our credentials with us at all times?

No, there is no law that you need to carry your credential with you.

Are other provinces and territories developing a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential?

Yes, Canadian provinces and territories are working with the federal government to develop a standardized approach to a proof of COVID-19 vaccination credential.

Can this service be used for other vaccinations or only COVID-19?

This credential is only for COVID-19 vaccinations. If you require information about other vaccinations you've received, you can contact your local health centre. If you're outside the Yukon, contact the health authority where you received your vaccines.

If someone does not have internet or phone access are there are other ways to get a credential?

With your signed written consent, another person can request the credential on your behalf. Alternatively, there are public spaces, such as community libraries, with computers the public can use.

QR code information

Why does my PVC have a barcode?

Yukon’s PVC contains a special type of barcode called a QR code that will validate the PVC when it is scanned. We designed the PVC to follow the federal standards.

Will Yukon businesses and organizations be able to electronically scan the QR code on the credential?

Businesses that download one of the freely-available apps that understand the SMART Health Card format will be able to read the QR codes.

What apps are available to read the Yukon PVC QR code?

Any application that can read the SMART Health Card format should be able to read Yukon’s PVC. 

What’s in the QR code?

The QR code contains the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has details about the COVID-19 vaccination the person received such as date received, type of vaccine, location of vaccination etc. The QR code does not contain any other personal health information.

Does the QR code link back to a government computer or database?

The QR code does not directly link back to any government database. 

Is the QR code readable by other provinces and territories?

Over the coming months, we anticipate all QR codes to be readable by all jurisdictions. At present, certain provinces have developed their own PVC verification apps that do not read all QR codes including Yukon’s. Since Yukon followed the federal requirements, we expect that Yukon’s QR code will be able to be scanned by other jurisdictions soon.

Yukon’s PVC is still a valid proof of vaccination. All of the requisite information proving full vaccination status is written on the credential.


Complete the steps online to receive your credential.

Apply online


If you prefer, you can apply over the phone. Call the COVID-19 InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425.

Operators are available 7 days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Yukon Standard Time.

Provide supporting information

You may need to provide us with more information if:

  • you received 1 or both of your vaccinations in another jurisdiction;
  • you're asking for someone else's records and we need a consent form to verify you're their substitute decision maker; or
  • your contact information has changed since you were vaccinated.

Provide information

Verify a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential

You can verify the authenticity of a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential that was provided in the Yukon.

Verify credential

Why do I need a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential?

The wallet-sized vaccination card we gave you when you were vaccinated shows your proof of vaccination. In the future this will likely not be enough for some purposes, such as travel. The new credential format is part of ongoing efforts in Canada and internationally to standardize proof of vaccination. The new credential has better security features than your vaccination card.

I currently do not have plans to travel internationally or have any other reason to get a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential. Do I need to get it?

If you do not have an immediate need for your proof of vaccination credential, you do not need to get it at this time. The format of the credential may change in coming weeks or months to a national standard. If this happens, you may need to request a new credential. This is why we recommend that you do not get a credential unless you need to use it within the next few weeks.

How do I know the online form is safe and secure?

Our online services undergo regular security audits. They follow best practices for online safety and security. As a best practice, we encrypt all your interactions. Only authorized people will be able to access the personal health information you submit.

What information is on the credential?

The credential has the following information.

  • Your full name.
  • Your date of birth.
  • The credential's unique identifier number.
  • The vaccine product name (for example, Pfizer or Moderna).
  • The date you got your vaccinations.
  • The vaccine lot number, territory or province the vaccine was delivered in.
  • The date the vaccine credential was issued.

View an example of a credential.

The credential also contains a special barcode called a QR Code. It has the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has information on the COVID-19 vaccinations you received and the government issuing process. The QR code enables your credential to be scanned to ensure it's authentic.

Can I request a proof of vaccination credential for my child?

If your child is able, they should ask for their vaccination credential themselves. However, you can help them request their credential online or over the phone.

Can I request a credential for someone else?

Yes, if you're authorized do to so. We'll need you to complete a consent or declaration form. Once you've submitted them, we'll keep them on file for future credential requests.

What language is the credential issued in?

The credential is bilingual. It's in English and French.

I cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccine for health reasons. Can I get a credential that states this?

At this time, credentials are only for people who have received full COVID-19 vaccination.

How long is the credential valid for?

The credential does not have an expiration date.

If the format of the credential changes or vaccination requirements change, your credential may no longer be valid. If you get a new credential, previous ones will no longer be valid.

If you plan on travelling internationally, you should:

  • check that your credential is valid; and
  • get a new credential, if it's invalid.

You can verify if a credential is valid.

If we need COVID-19 vaccine boosters in the future, will I need to update my credential?

Yes, you'll need to obtain a new credential.

I was not vaccinated in the Yukon. How do I get my credential?

If you are a Yukon resident, then you can get your credential through our service, as long as you provide the vaccination records from the jurisdiction where you received your vaccination.

If you are not a Yukon resident, you will need to get a credential through the province or territory you received your vaccine in.

I only received 1 vaccine in the Yukon and the other 1 in another jurisdiction. How do I get my credential?

You'll need to provide your out of territory vaccination records by using the support service. Once your records are on file, you'll be able to get a credential. To use our service, you must:

  • have received at least 1 COVID-19 vaccine in the Yukon; or
  • be a Yukon resident.

Will the credential be valid and accepted anywhere in the world?

We cannot guarantee it will be accepted everywhere because international standards are still emerging. The Government of Canada is working closely with other countries to develop a standard, which will be widely accepted. If needed, we'll update the Yukon credential format to meet the new standard. You may need to request a new credential if standards change.

Does the credential need to be printed? If so, does it need to be printed on special paper?

The credential is available in an electronic PDF format. You can also choose to have it sent to you in the mail.

You may need to print if the organization or business you need to show it to requires it to be printed. It does not need to be printed on special paper.

If you fold it, be careful not to crease the QR code since this might make it unreadable.

If I request a credential, and later request another credential (either online or via the phone), does my first one remain valid?

No, you can only have one valid credential at a time. If you request a credential and receive it, and later request another one, the first one automatically is invalid.

What happens if I need more than one copy of my credential?

If you receive a PDF credential you can print as many copies as you wish, or keep it on your phone to present when needed. If you receive your credential in the mail, you can photocopy additional copies, but this may make the QR code difficult or impossible to read with a scanner.

Can I request more than one copy of my credential, if I am receiving it via the mail?

You will only receive one printed copy in the mail, if you request postal delivery.

Do I need to take precautions when sharing my PVC?

You should treat this like any other government-issued record that contains personal information, and it should only be shown when required.

How long will it take to receive the credential?

If you've had both vaccines in the Yukon at least 14 days ago, you should be able to receive the credential immediately through the online service.

If you need to submit more information or provide vaccination records from another jurisdiction, it will take longer. We offer postal delivery as well. It may take 7 to 14 business days for credentials to arrive at Yukon addresses.

What's the purpose of this credential?

The credential gives Yukoners a government-issued proof of vaccination. It's more resistant to fraud than the vaccination cards issued at vaccination clinics. It will also contain a QR code, which can be scanned and read electronically. The data format is called SMART. There are some apps that can show you what’s in the QR code, such as Verifier Portal.

The QR code has the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has information on the COVID-19 vaccinations you received and the government issuing process.

What's ArriveCAN?

ArriveCAN is a Government of Canada app. It's used to provide mandatory travel information before and after entry into Canada. It's where you can upload your proof of vaccination credential. Learn more about ArriveCAN.

Will places such as bars, restaurants, gyms, hotels and churches be allowed to ask people to show their credential to get in?

It's legal for businesses to require proof of vaccination. You can use your credential to provide proof. You can choose who you share your credential with.

Will we need to carry our credentials with us at all times?

No, there is no law that you need to carry your credential with you.

Are other provinces and territories developing a COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential?

Yes, Canadian provinces and territories are working with the federal government to develop a standardized approach to a proof of COVID-19 vaccination credential.

Can this service be used for other vaccinations or only COVID-19?

This credential is only for COVID-19 vaccinations. If you require information about other vaccinations you've received, you can contact your local health centre. If you're outside the Yukon, contact the health authority where you received your vaccines.

If someone does not have internet or phone access are there are other ways to get a credential?

With your signed written consent, another person can request the credential on your behalf. Alternatively, there are public spaces, such as community libraries, with computers the public can use.

Why does my PVC have a barcode?

Yukon’s PVC contains a special type of barcode called a QR code that will validate the PVC when it is scanned. We designed the PVC to follow the federal standards.

Will Yukon businesses and organizations be able to electronically scan the QR code on the credential?

Businesses that download one of the freely-available apps that understand the SMART Health Card format will be able to read the QR codes.

What apps are available to read the Yukon PVC QR code?

Any application that can read the SMART Health Card format should be able to read Yukon’s PVC. 

What’s in the QR code?

The QR code contains the same information as the plain text on the credential. It also has details about the COVID-19 vaccination the person received such as date received, type of vaccine, location of vaccination etc. The QR code does not contain any other personal health information.

Does the QR code link back to a government computer or database?

The QR code does not directly link back to any government database. 

Is the QR code readable by other provinces and territories?

Over the coming months, we anticipate all QR codes to be readable by all jurisdictions. At present, certain provinces have developed their own PVC verification apps that do not read all QR codes including Yukon’s. Since Yukon followed the federal requirements, we expect that Yukon’s QR code will be able to be scanned by other jurisdictions soon.

Yukon’s PVC is still a valid proof of vaccination. All of the requisite information proving full vaccination status is written on the credential.