Motor Vehicles office encourages the access of services by phone and online

While masks are no longer required indoors, Motor Vehicles will continue to limit office capacity for in-person visitors.

Yukoners are encouraged to use online services, such as vehicle registration renewal, or contact our office by phone to find out which services can still be provided. 

How to get medical approval to drive

  • Commercial driving – medical requirements
  • Disabilities – medical requirements for driving
  • ​Seniors – medical requirements for driving
  • ​​What can I do if my licence gets cancelled for medical reasons?

You must notify Motor Vehicles of any changes to your health that affect your ability to drive.

  1. Commercial driving – medical requirements

    To get a commercial class licence in Yukon, you must provide a favourable driver’s medical for each of the following classes of licences:

    • class-1;
    • class-2;
    • class-3; and
    • class-4.

    Pass a medical exam

    You have to pass a medical exam to determine if you are fit to safely operate a motor vehicle.

    1. Make an appointment with your doctor to get a medical exam.
    2. Bring your results to your nearest Motor Vehicles office. All Yukon doctor's offices have the forms that the doctor will fill out and give to you to submit. We will also accept medical exam results from outside of Yukon.

    Commercial medicals must be provided:

    • every 5 years from age 18 to 44 years old;
    • every 3 years from age 45 to 64 years old; and
    • yearly after 65 years of age.


  2. Disabilities – medical requirements for driving

    If you have a musculoskeletal disability or other disabilities, you may have to add the following to your vehicle to safely operate it:

    • special hand controls; or
    • altered foot pedal controls.

    Motor Vehicles can provide more information on where and how you can get these installed in your vehicle.

    You must pass a road test if you use special hand controls or altered foot pedals.

    Road test

    To book a road rest, contact your nearest Motor Vehicles office to set up an appointment.

  3. ​Seniors – medical requirements for driving

    All Yukon, class-5 drivers must submit a driver's medical when they turn:

    • 70 years old;
    • 75 years old;
    • 80 years old; and
    • every 2 years after that.

    How much does it cost?

    The cost of the medical is covered by the Motor Vehicles office. Most doctors offices bill Motor Vehicles for their services.

    What is my doctor charges me?

    Some doctors make you pay for the medical at their office. If this is the case:

    • submit your receipt and your medical to the Motor Vehicles office nearest you;
    • we will reimburse the cost;
    • we will mail your reimbursement cheque within 2-3 weeks.


  4. ​​What can I do if my licence gets cancelled for medical reasons?

    If your licence is cancelled or suspended for medical reasons, you may need a letter from your doctor to get your licence back.

    Your doctor may need more information about your condition. They may ask for 1 or more of the following:

    • a functional occupational therapist’s report;
    • a road test;
    • a medical specialist's report, such as a neurologist, optometrist, psychiatrist, or cardiologist; or
    • a driveABLE assessment.

    If your licence has been cancelled

    Motor Vehicles will let you know in person, over the phone or through the mail. You will also get information about the Driver Control Board if you choose to appeal the decision.

    How to appeal a decision through Driver Control Board

    You can ask the Driver Control Board to review your licence restriction or cancellation.

    1. Give the Driver Control Board a letter stating that you would like to appeal Motor Vehicles' decision.
    2. Fill out the Medical Condition Release of Information form and give it to the Driver Control Board.
    3. The Driver Control Board will ask for documents related to your health condition. You will need to get these from your doctor and give them to the Board.
    4. The Driver Control Board will let you know in writing of the time and place of your hearing at least 10 business days beforehand.
    5. You have the right to be heard by the board and the right to choose to have legal representation before the board.
    6. Once the cancellation or restrictions have been reviewed by the Driver Control Board at the hearing, they will mail you their decision.

    This decision may support the decision of Motor Vehicles, give you your licence back or change the restrictions given by Motor Vehicles.

    How to appeal the Driver Control Board decision

    If you would like to appeal the decision by the Driver Control Board, you can do so to the courts.

    1. Within 30 days of receiving the Driver Control Board's decision, you will need to file an appeal with Yukon Courts.
    2. Court Services will set a date and time for your hearing in front of a judge.
    3. Court Services will let the Driver Control Board know that you are appealing their decision.
    4. You and the Driver Control Board will need to give evidence at the hearing.
    5. Once the judge has heard from you and the Driver Control Board, the judge may confirm, change or set aside the decision of the Driver Control Board.
    6. The decision will be made after the hear and will be provided to you in writing.

    Take a look at Taking Your Medical Condition into Account for more details on what to do if your licence is cancelled for medical reasons.


If you have questions, or would like to contact any of our 11 community Motor Vehicles offices, email or phone 867-667-5315 or 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5315 (toll-free Yukon only).