Find information on midwifery in Yukon

Midwifery services will be available in Yukon starting in fall of 2021. Fully funded midwifery services in Yukon will be provided by government employees.

What are midwives?

Midwives are registered health-care professionals who specialize in normal birth and maternity care. A registered midwife provides care to a pregnant person and their baby. This includes the period during pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum support.

Midwives order and interpret routine diagnostic tests such as ultrasounds and lab work. They also screen physical, emotional and social health. They prescribe and administer many common medications used for the duration of their services.


  • work as part of the health-care team;
  • respond to conditions and situations that may need another care provider;
  • consult and refer clients, as necessary; and
  • work to ensure safe, individualized, client-centred care based on informed choices.

Midwives recognize the pregnant person as the primary decision maker. They promote collaborative decision making and prioritize lived experience, values, and beliefs.

How to access a midwife

Right now, Yukoners can get a referral to a midwife in another province or territory. The service is insured by Yukon health care, but not provided in the territory. You can get these services for as many as 28 days before the birth and 7 days after.

For more information on accessing midwifery care outside Yukon, find information on medical treatment and travel.


What is a midwife


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