Get funding for food safety for your agriculture products

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The Food Safety Program supports developing food-safety strategies and activities. This includes:

  • food-safety education and training activities;
  • implementing food-safety beneficial management practices (BMPs);
  • food-safety regulatory compliance activities; and
  • livestock and agri-product traceability initiatives.

Eligible activities

Examples of eligible activities.

Activities that address food safety issues:

  • during agri-food harvest;
  • in storage;
  • in production; and
  • in processing.

Presenting and participating in:

  • food safety; and
  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) training, workshops, seminars and conferences.

Activities to facilitate adopting Good Manufacturing Practices and international standards such as:

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP); or
  • ISO 22000 in food processing plants.

Activities to implement food-safety beneficial management practices

This includes purchasing and installing:

  • temperature-control equipment;
  • stainless steel food processing platforms;
  • water-treatment equipment; and
  • impermeable wall materials.

Professional consultant services:

Provide analytical and technical advice to help you:

  • develop food safety systems so you meet standards and regulations; and
  • put in place agri-food traceability or assurance systems.

Acquiring special equipment or software to:

  • put food-safety systems and standards in place on farms and in processing facilities; and
  • equipment needed for agri-food traceability or assurance initiatives.

Eligible recipients

  • Producer.
  • Processor.
  • Retailer.
  • Producer or processor organizations.
  • Agricultural non-profit.
  • Government.

Eligible funding

Producers, processors and retailers:

  • 50% if there are in-kind contributions; and
  • 60% if there are no in-kind contributions.

Producer or processor organizations:

  • up to 75% of the project costs.

Governments and agricultural non-profits:

  • up to 100% of the project costs.

Before you apply

Complete the:

While preparing your application, you can:

Email or phone 867-667-5838 to set up an appointment.


The submission deadline is the 1st Friday of the month.

Apply for funding

  1. Gather your completed documents.
  2. Submit your application. Applications are generally reviewed once a month.
    In person: Room 320 in the Elijah Smith Building at 300 Main Street in Whitehorse. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Government of Yukon
    Agriculture Branch (K-320A)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Find out the decision

Most applications are reviewed by a Project Evaluation Committee that meets once a month. The program manager may review some. We will contact you once a decision has been made. This is usually within 2 weeks of the monthly deadline. If your project is approved, we can explain the next steps at this time or you can find them in the programming guide.

Evaluate your completed project

We will release your final payment once you submit:

  • the completed evaluation form;
  • an itemized list of expenses; and
  • copies of receipts.

If you host an event like a conference or workshop, include feedback from attendees.

We make project results, excluding financial details, available to the public.

Find more agriculture funding programs

This program is 1 of many available under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. See all of our agriculture funds.

About the Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a 5-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector. It provides funding to help Yukon’s agriculture industry:

  • increase competitiveness, productivity or profitability;
  • increase environmental sustainability;
  • expand domestic and international markets; and
  • improve the anticipation, mitigation and response to risks.