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Find information about emergencies in Yukon including health advisories, wildfires, floods, earthquakes and road closures.

You should always be prepared for an emergency. Learn more about making an emergency plan and what to put in your emergency kit.

Southern Lakes flooding map

See the flooding map for evacuation information, sandbag station locations and other information.

Public flood updates

How to protect your home against flooding

To protect your home against flooding, learn how to fill a sandbag and how to build a sandbag berm.


For information about the current flood situation, email or call 867-332-7084.

Boil water advisories in effect

Boil water advisories are in effect for multiple areas, as a result of the rising water levels along the Yukon River. We expect to lift all these advisories later this summer when flood waters recede.

Residents of these areas who use private wells or underground water storage tanks should boil their water for 2 minutes before use:


For information about boil water advisories, email or call 867-667-8391.

Health advisories

Environmental emergencies

Highway and campground closures

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