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Labels from Zazzle

You’re getting ready to send out a bunch of letters, mailers, or custom invitations and you don’t want to spend the time (and energy) writing out the return address on each and every one of them. What do you do? You get yourself some labels from Zazzle, of course! Why give yourself hand cramps when you can comfortably adhere our labels to your envelopes and take all the time you’ve saved to do something else, like relax. We have thousands of great designs to help spice up your labels. All you have to do is change out the address and you're set. Whether they're for your company or for personal use, our labels will give distinction to your mail. You can even use our labels for marking food, books and school supplies.

For those soon-to-be Mrs or Mr, wedding planning means sending multiple mailings to your guests. From your invitations and RSVP’s all the way to your thank you notes, make your mailings special with coordinated return address labels. Zazzle offers a very unique style of return address labels that are wraparound labels. These labels are extra long and offer an additional section that wraps around the envelope so you can fully create a special message for your recipients. Shop or customize your own return address labels at Zazzle today!