CCC Helps Canadian Exporters Sell to Foreign Governments

CCC gives you greater access to foreign government buyers so you can grow your business as a Canadian exporter.

We cover a wide range of sectors and opportunities, our experience and expertise help you navigate the complexities of foreign government procurement markets with more confidence, less risk and stronger competitive differentiation.

Wherever you’re looking to do business with a foreign government — from the Americas to Africa to Asia — we can help.  Find out where we’re active.

With CCC, You Can:

Access foreign government procurement decision-makers
We can help confirm the validity of your international sales opportunity, then connect your company to senior government officials and procurement decision-makers to advance your sale. Our memoranda of understanding with foreign governments around the world can make exporting from Canada easier.

Speed up sales to foreign governments
CCC accelerates international sales through sole-source, government to government contracts that eliminate the time and costs typically associated with a competitive procurement process.

Gain a competitive advantage
Our contracting approach is backed by the Government of Canada, assuring your foreign buyer that the contract will be delivered according to the agreed terms and conditions — guaranteed. With the support and advocacy of your national government behind your proposal, you gain credibility with your government buyer and stand out from your competitors. 

Minimize political, business and payment risk
When you work with CCC, the Government of Canada is right there with you every step of the way — from initial customer meetings to negotiations and through the entire life of the contract. All payments and cash flows are executed through us, reducing political and business risks during the sale as well as payment risks during the contract. Our experience structuring and managing complex international contracts also ensures you have a partner who can help resolve any contracting issues that might arise, and can shield you from potential unethical business practices such as bribery and corruption.

We Help Exporters of All Sizes:

Whether your company is large or small, if you have products or services suitable for foreign government buyers or government-owned enterprises, we want to talk to you. Our services can help if you are a:

  • Very large, segment-leading exporter who is going head-to-head with global competitors and needs the advocacy and support of the Government of Canada to differentiate your offer and win large-scale opportunities
  • Large or mid-sized exporter who needs support to validate the foreign sales opportunity, overcome the complexity of navigating foreign government procurement markets, and mitigate the political and business risks of the sale
  • Small exporter with niche solutions who needs the added credibility of having the Government of Canada at your side when pursuing an international sales opportunity, favourable contract terms are negotiated and payment risk is mitigated.

Pursuing a foreign government contract? We can help. Call 1-800-748-8191 or contact us by email to find out how.

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