Financial support and resources available for businesses impacted by COVID-19.

Support for businesses impacted by COVID-19.

Indigenous entrepreneur

Indigenous entrepreneur

As an Indigenous entrepreneur, you want to deal with a bank that has in-depth insight into your unique business opportunities and challenges.

“Aboriginal entrepreneurs and business owners face several obstacles in accessing financing for start-up, on-going operations, acquisitions, and expansions.” *

Indigenous banking at BDC


committed to clients as of March 31, 2020


account managers dedicated exclusively to Indigenous entrepreneurs


Indigenous clients across Canada

Indigenous Entrepreneur Loan

Get up to $350,000 to start or grow your business, whether you operate on or off reserve.

Benefits for your business

Flexible repayment terms to protect your cash flow

Flexible financing to get your business off the ground or grow your company.

A loan that gives back to charity

BDC will give back part of the interest paid on the loan to a registered charity of your choice.

Limited personal risk

Your personal assets are not taken as collateral for the loan.

Use the Indigenous Entrepreneur Loan to:

  • Acquire fixed assets
  • Finance franchise fees
  • Cover start-up costs
  • Start exporting
  • Replenish working capital

Advisory Services

Financial management

Learn the basics of financial management in a way that’s relevant to your business

Learn more

Sales and marketing

Define the best sales and marketing channels to increase your sales

Learn more

Strategic planning

Protect and strengthen your position in the marketplace by aligning your management team behind one vision.

Learn more


Testimonial Sharon Bond

If you’re Aboriginal, the entrepreneur is there inside you. You can start up your own business, whether it be a retail store, a restaurant or anything. Being Aboriginal doesn’t stop you from doing anything. We are creating jobs for people. We are taking care of ourselves. So it’s time to be proud of First Nations in Canada. It’s amazing. It’s good.

Testimonial Christian Dandeneau

With help from BDC, ID Fusion was able to successfully acquire a strategic partner to help us increase our market share. As a direct result of the acquisition, we were quickly able to land key contracts with a number of organizations.

NoMiNoU Athleisure

BDC has been true advocate for my business and showed confidence in our growth potential. This is a bank that genuinely cares about entrepreneurs!


Inuktitut - How to get a business loan

How to get a business loan

Get a free Inuktitut version of our eBook.

Talk to someone in your area

Contact us to access financing and advisory solutions specially designed for Indigenous entrepreneurs.

* The Conference Board of Canada, Opportunities to improve the financial ecosystem for Aboriginal entrepreneurs and SMEs in Canada, (2017). Report prepared for The National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA) and BDC
