Éditions Gallimard

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Éditions Gallimard
Éditions Gallimard.png
Founded 1911
Founder Gaston Gallimard
Country of origin France
Headquarters location Paris
Publication types Books, Magazines
Imprints Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Denoël, Flammarion, Gallimard Jeunesse, Mercure de France, Série noire
Official website www.gallimard.fr

Éditions Gallimard (French: [edisjɔ̃ ɡalimaːʁ]) is one of the leading French publishers of books. The Guardian has described it as having "the best backlist in the world".[1] In 2003 it and its subsidiaries published 1,418 titles.

It was founded on 31 May 1911 in Paris by Gaston Gallimard (1881–1975) as Les Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française. It is currently led by Antoine Gallimard.[2] From its 31 May 1911 founding until June 1919, published one hundred titles including La Jeune Parque by Paul Valéry.[3][4] The publisher published the second volume of In Search of Lost Time, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, which became the first Prix Goncourt-awarded book published by the company.[5]

During the occupation of France in World War II, Gaston Gallimard was hosted in Carcassonne by poet Joë Bousquet. He returned to Paris on October 1940 to enter discussions with the Nazi German authorities, who wished to control his publishing company. It was agreed that Gason Gallimard would still control his company if he collaborated with the authorities and published pro-Nazi writings.[6]

Éditions Gallimard had success with its distribution of the Harry Potter series in France; the publisher sold 26 million books across seven volumes.[5] Gallimard acquired Groupe Flammarion from RCS MediaGroup in 2012.[7] Éditions Gallimard is considered one of the most influential French publishing houses; as of 2011, its catalog consists of 36 Prix Goncourt winners, 38 writers who have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and ten writers who have been awarded the Pulitzer Prize.[5] In 2010 the company had a turnover of 230 million,[5] and over 1,000 employees.[8]


Publishing houses[edit]

Diffusion and distribution[edit]

List of "collections"[edit]

  • L'Arbalète/Gallimard
  • L'Arpenteur
  • L'Aube des peuples
  • La Bibliothèque de la Pléiade
  • Bibliothèque des histoires
  • La Bibliothèque Gallimard
  • Bibliothèque des idées
  • Bibliothèque des sciences humaines
  • La Blanche
  • Le Cabinet des Lettrés
  • Les Cahiers de la Nrf
  • Le Chemin
  • Connaissance de l'inconscient
  • Continents noirs
  • Le Débat
  • Découvertes Gallimard (made out of François Maspero's publishing house)
  • Du Monde entier
  • Folio
  • Folio essais
  • Folio histoire
  • Folio actuel
  • Folio bilingue
  • Folio théâtre
  • Folio plus
  • Foliothèque
  • Folio classique
  • Folio policier
  • Folio SF
  • Folio documents
  • Folio 2 €
  • Folioplus classiques
  • Haute enfance
  • L'Imaginaire
  • L'Infini
  • Joëlle Losfeld
  • Livres d'art
  • NRF Biographies
  • NRF Essais
  • La Noire
  • Poésie/Gallimard
  • Le Promeneur
  • Quarto
  • Série noire
  • Le Temps des images
  • L'Univers des formes
  • L'Un et l'autre


  1. ^ Webster, Paul, "The French Connection"; The Guardian, July 29, 2000
  2. ^ Pascal Fouché (2005). Dictionnaire encyclopédique du Livre en deux volumes. Éditions du Cercle de la Libraire. p. 251. ISBN 2-7654-0911-0. 
  3. ^ Henri Vignes; Pierre Boudrot (2011). Bibliographie des éditions de la Nouvelle Revue française : 26 mai 1911-15 juillet 1919. Paris: Libraire H. Vignes. ISBN 9782867421822. 
  4. ^ Michel Jarrety (1992). Paul Valéry. Hachette supérieur. ISBN 9782010178894. 
  5. ^ a b c d "Gallimard, une histoire si française". Les Échos (newspaper). 4 March 2011. 
  6. ^ Pascal Fouché (1987). L'édition française sous l'Occupation : 1940-1944. Bibliothèque de littérature française contemporaine de l'Université Paris. OCLC 17851738. 
  7. ^ Flammarion sold to Gallimard. The Book Seller. Retrieved 1 August 2015.
  8. ^ Livres hebdo, 14 October 2011.

External links[edit]