
Why you gotta be so rude?

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Did I not get the memo? When did it suddenly become optional to use the turn signal on your vehicle? Everywhere it seems, people are blithely changing lanes or parking without bothering to flip on their turn signals. Are they poorly trained? Lazy? Entitled? Operating heavy equipment in a pandemic-induced brain fog?


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I see this behaviour as a tiny, tip-of-the-iceberg example of the tsunami of rudeness sweeping over us and seeping into many aspects of our lives. On roads, drivers explode into a white-hot rage if someone impedes their commute by a nanosecond. On transit, pranksters uncork stink bombs, causing mayhem. Online, trolls threaten the lives of those with differing opinions (see: Margaret Atwood or JK Rowling).

Like everything else it has intensified, the COVID-19 pandemic has made rudeness far, far worse. It’s deepening the cracks in society that were already there, pushing us to become more polarized and ruder than ever. We’re divided left/right, east/west, rural/urban and along racial, income and generational lines. Each side hates the other. The battle lines are drawn. How did we get here? And, more importantly, how do we put that belligerent genie back in the bottle, stat?


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I tapped Dr. Robbie Babins-Wagner, CEO of the Calgary Counselling Centre, for her thoughts on how we might individually and collectively find ways to interact better with one another during this very difficult and stressful time.

Babins-Wagner says the rising tide of divisiveness, rudeness, anger and incivility is “extraordinary.�

“We’ve never seen this before in the community. I think it’s probably — although none of us know for sure — a fallout of the pandemic,� she says, adding that more clients are showing up at the centre with anxiety, feelings of uncertainty and what she calls “dis-ease� — a sense of deep uneasiness.

The pandemic has brought isolation, ambiguity and disorientation, forcing people to put their lives on hold. She believes the lack of cohesiveness and clarity among leaders has left people who are already worried and anxious unsure of where to turn. And a small percentage of us don’t like the rules enacted to keep us safe during a health crisis.


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“When people don’t know how to respond, they may act in atypical ways,� she says. “Their inhibitions decrease as things become more uncertain.

“People don’t feel they have a lot of control. Their tolerance for frustration is disappearing. Dealing with frustration is a skill, and people have forgotten their skills.�

And so, things unspool, from friendships blowing apart (“What?! I can’t believe you think that…�) to the extreme end of the spectrum where angry protesters threaten the lives of health-care workers.

In the face of it all, here are some guidelines for bringing a little more civility back into our lives:

Get connected: We’ve had to isolate from one another for a long time. Our social skills are rusty. Things are getting better but communication remains challenging, especially with a mask covering half of our faces. As social animals, we thrive on connection. Get together (safely) in person whenever possible; if not, use tools such as FaceTime and Zoom to connect, even if we’re all sick of them. It’s life-affirming.


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Reach out: Acknowledge strangers out walking, on transit, in lineups. Greet the people we sort of know: letter carriers, clerks, baristas. These casual connections build community, and the briefest encounter just might brighten a day. Talk to neighbours and seniors and young parents stuck at home. Ask how they are, if they need anything. Find ways to lend a hand. “Move it away from yourself toward others,� says Babins-Wagner. “This turns negative, scary parts into something more positive.�

Cut people some slack: She says rudeness is fear-based and that few set out to be intentionally rude or hurt others. In one situation, a woman yelled at her for standing too close, even though there was ample space between them. “I just stepped back because I knew how anxious she was.�


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But don’t take it: We don’t have to accept rudeness or even engage with it, she counsels. “You can say, ‘I don’t appreciate this. If it continues, I’m going to end the call or walk away.’ � Avoid being rude back, escalating the situation or antagonizing the person. Breathe, stay calm, see if it passes. If not, leave. In a dangerous situation, call the police. At work, take a slightly different tack. We can’t just leave, and ignoring rudeness effectively says that we condone it. “I’ll ask, ‘What’s happening, what’s going on? Can I help with something?’ If they say no, I’ll leave it,� Babins-Wagner says. Treating a rude, frustrated co-worker with compassion can diffuse the situation and make them feel less lost and alone.


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Manners count, even online: Online social media can be a hotbed of rudeness. Sometimes, it’s necessary to disconnect, refrain from commenting and take an extended break. (Oh, and lobby government to have the owners of these platforms held accountable.) “Online is kind of anonymous, people feel they have a freedom to say whatever they want. I don’t think they understand there are repercussions for behaving badly. There’s no excuse for behaving badly. As a mother, I’ve said that many times.�

Amen. Living in, contributing to and benefitting from society means following a complex web of rules. Some are unspoken civilities that grease our social interactions; others are strict laws enacted to prevent airplanes from falling out of the sky. Like that seemingly inconsequential turn signal, they help us get along and keep the whole enterprise from crashing.

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