Enjeux A Lesson in Discrimination Classroom Favourites

Since the dawn of time, humans have tended to form clans... thereby excluding strangers, enemies and anyone who is different. We may not exactly encourage them, but such attitudes become entrenched at a very early age. Radio-Canada followed an experiment in a primary school that shows just how quickly our young people can assimilate discrimination and all its dangerous repercussions. A ...
  • 2006
  • 00:43:35
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 09/25/2013

Enjeux A Lesson in Discrimination (Japanese version with English subtitles)

Since the dawn of time, humans have tended to form clans... thereby excluding strangers, enemies and anyone who is different. We may not exactly encourage them, but such attitudes become entrenched at a very early age. Radio-Canada followed an experiment in a primary school that shows just how quickly our young people can assimilate discrimination and all its dangerous repercussions. A ...
  • 2006
  • 00:43:45
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 10/01/2014

Enquête A Lesson in Discrimination: 10 Years Later Classroom Favourites

In 2006, a Grade 3 teacher in Quebec resorted to a drastic strategy to solve a persistent problem in her class. She subjected her 26 students to a “lesson in discrimination,” in the hope that experiencing it would help them understand the distress of students who are ostracized because they are different. The resulting documentary stunned television viewers in Canada ...
  • 2016
  • 00:40:57
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 12/14/2016

News in Review - December 2010 A New Campaign to Fight Bullying

Bullying is a serious issue in many Canadian schools. In recent years, cyberbullying has only made the situation worse. This month, News in Review examines the scale of the problem in Canada. We’ll also explore a new viral campaign to reassure bullied kids that it does get better.
  • 2010
  • 00:15:41
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 12/15/2010

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When I Worry About Things Being a bully: Ariana's story

This clip uses the real first-person testimony from Ariana, a young Albanian girl whose family valued boys higher than girls, to create an intimate and direct tone. The open and honest narration will help students develop a sense of empathy with her and recognize the parallels with their own lives. In the film, Ariana relates how her family background led ...
  • 2016
  • 00:04:29
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 03/24/2021

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The National Boys Will Be Boys: Sexual Harassment in Schools

Just what kinds of behaviour are acceptable in our schools, or for that matter, in society in general. The sexual harassment of girls in school begins as early as the primary grades. While many explain the poor behaviour as "just a joke...boys will be boys", the self esteem and scholastic achievement of the victims erode. In this program we see ...
  • 1995
  • 00:25:46
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

The National Bullied, Battered and Bruised

This powerful documentary looks at the significant psychological and physical implications of bullying, and profiles the way two schools are dealing with this difficult and pervasive problem. First, several students, parents and community members in a Manitoba town who, despite the threat of a community backlash, publicly voice their concerns about the bullying in their schools and participate in candid ...
  • 2000
  • 01:12:17
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

News in Review - September 2001 Bullies in Schools: Why Kids Bully

Bullying has physical and psychological effects. In this News in Review report we examine why children become bullies, the impact that this anti-social behaviour has on their victims, and the ways in which families, schools and communities attempt to deal with the problem.
  • 2001
  • 00:14:11
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 09/15/2001

Access to this content is reserved to News in Review | Archives subscribers.

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Anne But What is so Headstrong as Youth?

Anne is excited to begin school and make friends, but is unprepared for the bullying that occurs when she doesn't fit in. Marilla, too, is testing new waters.
  • 2017
  • 00:44:08
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 05/17/2017

The National Campus Culture: Universities and the Issue of Sexual Misconduct

Senior CBC News correspondent Susan Ormiston looks at how colleges and universities are navigating the difficult ground of sexual assault on campus and addressing charges that their institutions tolerate a "rape culture." Ormiston examines the steps taken by the University of Ottawa and Lakehead University in the wake of very public sexual misconduct scandals and speaks with young women who ...
  • 2014
  • 00:19:01
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 12/02/2014

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