CBC Animation Abracadabra

The film is an allegorical tale cautioning against the dangers of exhausting an indispensable natural resource, here represented by the sun. Frédéric Back has long believed that animation for children should deliver a message in an entertaining manner.
  • 1970
  • 00:09:21
  • 5-8
  • Added on: 02/11/2014

CBC Animation All Nothing

For too long, we have held the mistaken belief that the world was created entirely for our benefit. As countless plant and animal species become extinct, our generous planet has little left to offer: clean water and lush forests are becoming increasingly rare. The film ends, however, on a positive note: Frédéric Back cherishes the hope that future generations will ...
  • 1978
  • 00:10:59
  • 5-8
  • Added on: 12/07/2013

Cross Country Checkup Art and reconciliation

The Secret Path is a powerful film about an Indigenous boy who dies escaping a residential school. Does art — films, books and music — offer the best path to heal historical wrongs? Guests include Joseph Boyden, award-winning author of Three Day Road, The Orenda and most recently the novella Wenjack; Susan Aglukark, Inuk singer and songwriter; Ry Moran, Director of the National Centre for ...
  • 2016
  • 01:53:03
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 11/10/2016

The National Black Panther: For black youth, more than a superhero movie

Marvel's Black Panther has arrived to critical acclaim, but artistic merit aside, for lots of black youth it's much more than a superhero movie. CBC News followed a group of teenagers who won a screening to Black Panther to find out what the movie means to them and the lessons they learned from seeing the groundbreaking film.
  • 2018
  • 00:08:40
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 03/08/2018

The National Canada's ballet gets high-tech makeover

CBC News got a behind-the-scenes look at how organizers plan to balance the classic art form with visual innovation.
  • 2018
  • 00:04:12
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 07/26/2018

CBC Animation Crac!

In this charming tale tinged with nostalgia, Frédéric Back takes us back to rich traditions swept aside by the relentless forces of progress and urbanization. Crac! is the sound of a falling tree, chopped down to make the chair. It's the sound of the chair as it rocks. It's also the sound of the rift in our lives when change ...
  • 1981
  • 00:15:01
  • 5-8
  • Added on: 01/14/2014

Cracking the Code Creating computer generated visual effects

Two young coders visit BBC TV Centre to find out how code is used in making Dr Who. We see archive Dr Who footage, and hear how the storyline used to be limited by the number of Dalek props that could be physically built. Science presenter Minna Kane tells us that modern episodes of Dr Who make extensive use of ...
  • 2013
  • 00:07:05
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 09/03/2019

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The Fifth Estate Cruel Camera

As long as they've made movies, animals have been killed or injured to do it. In a landmark investigation over 25 years ago, The Fifth Estate's Bob McKeown uncovered an uncomfortable, even shocking, reality about moviemaking — animals, intentionally put in harm's way, abused, often killed to create the kind of cinematic excitement that draws a crowd. As well, The ...
  • 2009
  • 00:42:01
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 08/27/2014

The National Diversity in film now extending to critics

CBC News looks at how the Toronto International Film Festival is helping more diverse movie reviewers in the spotlight this year.
  • 2018
  • 00:04:04
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 02/01/2019

Exhibitionists Exhibitionists, Season 1, Episode 1

Exploring the theme of "beginnings," this episode profiles St. John's filmmaker Stephen Dunn whose film Closet Monster won the Best Canadian Feature Film at TIFF; flamenco dancer Anjelica Scannura and contemporary dancer Malgorzata Nowacka, who have combined their styles in Bird Bee Bat Attack; artist Takashi Iwasaki in Winnipeg; En Masse, a Montreal based multi-artist collaboration; choreographer/director ​Lenny DeLa Pena; and GIF ...
  • 2015
  • 00:21:40
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 09/19/2016

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