News in Review - February 2014 Addiction and the Food Industry

There is science behind the manufacturing of the foods we eat — science that makes us crave more, eat more, want more. That science is being used every day by the food giants to keep us hooked. They use sugar, salt and liquid fat to make foods as addictive as narcotics. In this report, CBC health reporter Kelly Crowe investigates ...
  • 2014
  • 00:15:24
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 02/15/2014

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CBC Docs POV After The Sirens

The latest reports show that one in four paramedics in Canada will develop PTSD in the course of their careers, and the suicide rates amongst paramedics are five times the national average. But despite increased public awareness around PTSD, there is still surprisingly little support for these civilian workers. While understanding and support of the disorder has improved over the ...
  • 2018
  • 00:45:01
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 04/17/2018

The Fifth Estate Avoidable Tragedy: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is caused when pregnant women seriously abuse alcohol, resulting in permanent damage to parts of an unborn child's brain. This cause of mental retardation is especially common among Canada's native people and the real tragedy is there is very little help available from schools and governments for these children and their families.
  • 1993
  • 00:23:04
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

The National Big Gamble

Gambling used to be controlled by the underworld and was known as the "wages of sin". Now it's run by government in the name of deficit reduction, with most of the money coming from Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs). Some will have you believe it is just a harmless dollar or two spent on a dream while providing jobs, revenue and ...
  • 1997
  • 00:26:59
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

Doc Zone CannaBiz

Canada's $20 billion-dollar marijuana industry is at a violent crossroads between crime and commerce. Impossible to police, yet steadily gaining public acceptance, the cannabis industry is now so vast and vital to Canada's national economy that it can no longer be ignored. With inside access to growers, gangsters and police, CannaBiz untangles the inner workings of the marijuana industry and ...
  • 2009
  • 00:42:58
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

The National Carfentanil's Deadly Impact

The death toll is mounting from a powerful new drug making its way across Canada. Carfentanil sounds a lot like fentanyl, a related drug that has spread its own wave of lethal overdoses. But the bottom line on carfentanil is that it is far more noxious — to a degree that strains belief.
  • 2016
  • 00:11:18
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 01/12/2017

News in Review - September 1991 Cigarettes and Advertising

The challenge by the court of the law banning advertising of tobacco products is the starting point for examining related issues.
  • 1991
  • 00:11:42
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 09/15/1991

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The Fifth Estate Dark Crystal

Exploring the dark experiences of methamphetamine addicts, journalist Gillian Findlay digs into the scarred lives of three young people — a reformed addict with a bright future, a 16-year-old girl struggling in rehab, and a man who cannot let go of the drug. Findlay takes the viewer on a voyage into the shady corners of a small town wracked by ...
  • 2004
  • 00:41:37
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

News in Review - March 1993 Davis Inlet: Moving from Misery

In January 1993, six children in the aboriginal Innu community of Davis Inlet attempted multiple suicide by inhaling gasoline fumes. All fortunately were rescued and those most at risk were removed from the community to Poundmaker’s Lodge, a native treatment centre near Edmonton. The footage of these children was broadcast nationally and sparked a new cross-country awareness of the tragedy ...
  • 1993
  • 00:10:37
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 03/15/1993

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The Nature of Things Dealing with Drugs: New Options

With crime and disease associated with drugs continuing to plague the world, Dealing With Drugs asks if the escalating "war on drugs" is doing more harm than good. This program examines the drug problems and policies of four major cities, finding inspiring success in the "harm reduction" policies of Amsterdam and Vancouver, and terrible failure in New York where addicts ...
  • 1997
  • 00:45:53
  • 15-17
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

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