Unclean hands

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Contract law
Part of the common law series
Contract formation
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Mirror image rule · Invitation to treat
Firm offer · Consideration
Defenses against formation
Lack of capacity
Duress · Undue influence
Illusory promise · Statute of frauds
Non est factum
Contract interpretation
Parol evidence rule
Contract of adhesion
Integration clause
Contra proferentem
Excuses for non-performance
Mistake · Misrepresentation
Frustration of purpose · Impossibility
Impracticability · Illegality
Unclean hands · Unconscionability
Accord and satisfaction
Rights of third parties
Privity of contract
Assignment · Delegation
Novation · Third party beneficiary
Breach of contract
Anticipatory repudiation · Cover
Exclusion clause · Efficient breach
Fundamental breach
Specific performance
Liquidated damages
Penal damages · Rescission
Quasi-contractual obligations
Promissory estoppel
Quantum meruit
Conflict of law · Commercial law
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v  d  e

Unclean hands, sometimes clean hands doctrine or dirty hands doctrine[1] is an equitable defense in which the defendant argues that the plaintiff is not entitled to obtain an equitable remedy on account of the fact that the plaintiff is acting unethically or has acted in bad faith with respect to the subject of the complaint—that is, with "unclean hands".[2] The defendant has the burden of proof to show the plaintiff is not acting in good faith. The doctrine is often stated as "those seeking equity must do equity" or "equity must come with clean hands".

A defendant's unclean hands can also be claimed and proven by the plaintiff to claim other equitable remedies and to prevent that defendant from asserting equitable affirmative defenses. In other words, 'unclean hands' can be used offensively by the plaintiff as well as defensively by the defendant. Historically, the doctrine of unclean hands can be traced as far back as the Fourth Lateran Council.


[edit] Example

Bob sues Alice for breach of contract for failure to pay the full amount for construction of an addition to her house. However, Alice proves that Bob had shown her faked estimates from subcontractors to justify his original bid. His claim is dismissed.

Actually, in most jurisdictions this is not a good example of unclean hands, because the defence of unclean hands only applies to claims that "sound in equity." Breach of contract is a claim that sounds in law, so an unclean hands defence would not be available. However, if the claim was one of, for example, specific performance, the defendant could argue unclean hands.

[edit] Relation to equitable remedies

Equitable remedies are generally remedies other than the payment of damages. This would include such remedies as obtaining an injunction, or requiring specific performance of a contract. Before the development of the courts of equity in England, such remedies were unavailable in the common law courts. Such remedies were developed in the equity courts as the payment of damages was often not a sufficient remedy for a plaintiff in certain circumstances. For example, if a landowner polluted the land of the neighbor, the common law tort of nuisance would only allow the innocent party to recover damages. Common law had no remedy that would force the defendant to stop the pollution. Equity courts developed such a remedy, the injunction, that provided an ongoing bar to the activity that caused the damage.

Equity courts realized that such extraordinary remedies were only justified in extraordinary cases, and would generally not grant such a remedy where damages were sufficient to make the plaintiff whole. For example, if a car dealership broke a contract of sale and refused to deliver a particular car, which now could only be obtained for $10,000 more than what the plaintiff was willing to pay, the courts would merely award the plaintiff $10,000 (in addition to the original amount paid, if it had already been paid). It would not force the dealer to obtain the exact same car and sell it to the plaintiff. However, if the subject matter of the sale were a particular work of art, the court would order specific performance and require the sale of the art work.

However, equity courts also realized that these extraordinary remedies were subject to abuse. For example, if a doctor had signed a non-compete agreement with a clinic, the non-compete clause might prevent the doctor from earning a living if he left the clinic's employment. As such, the court will generally only grant these remedies on the strictest terms. If there is any indication that the plaintiff seeking the remedy had acted in bad faith, either prior to the commencement of the litigation or afterwards, the court will generally not grant the remedy. For example, if the doctor left the clinic because it was involved in insurance fraud, a court would most likely refuse to enforce the non-compete agreement by issuing an injunction, although it might allow the clinic to recover damages if they did lose business to the doctor.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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