Procurement at WHO

Procurement at WHO

WHO is a specialized United Nations agency with a constitutional mandate as the Directing and Coordinating authority on international health work. Procurement is a critical function in support of the effective discharge of WHO mandate. In order to fulfill its mandate and achieve its vision WHO must procure a significant volume of goods and services.

On average, WHO buys approximately USD 700 million worth of goods and services every year to maintain operations in the field and to react to upcoming and recurring demands. While the needs vary, services account for approximately 75% of demand.

As a public organization entrusted with donor funds and committed to supporting developing economies, the objective of procurement activities within the WHO is the timely acquisition of goods and services while addressing the guiding principles.


Emergency health kits

WHO has developed standardized health kits of medicines and medical supplies to meet different health needs in humanitarian emergencies and disasters. These kits are developed to provide reliable and affordable medicines and supplies quickly to those in need. The kits are used by United Nations agencies, nongovernmental organizations and national governments.

Contact WHO procurement

Blok 3510 - Jalan Teknokrat 6 - 63000 Cyberjaya - Selangor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Fax : +60 3 8871 7117 

Please direct any general questions or comments concerning procurement at WHO to our feedback mailbox on following address: [email protected]

For information or to raise questions on specific procurement actions, please refer to the contact information listed in the procurement notice or in the bidding documents. Contacting the focal points directly is the best way to ensure a timely response.