Terry Glavin: Taiwan and its courageous leader a rare bright spot in our dreary COVID world

Taiwan stands out as a rebuke to China’s claim that its totalitarian system is superior to democracies in controlling infectious diseases

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Well, here we all are, nearly halfway through the Year of the Plague, and owing to the dreariness of any survey of the so-called world stage — with its cast of blood-soaked tyrants, buffoons and mediocrities, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s comically vain estimation of his own exalted and rightful place among them — some good news would be welcome.

And so we should take at least some small measure of courage and comfort from the one unambiguously cheery event that occurred this week. It was a modest but strangely moving inauguration ceremony, in Taipei, at the former palace of the Japanese imperial governor-general. While Xi Jinping and his generals across the Taiwan Strait were wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth, Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s incumbent president, formally embarked upon her second term as the most courageous, principled and competent leader of any country on the face of the Earth.

President Tsai went into Wednesday’s ceremony with an approval rating of 70.3 per cent after besting her opponents in a landslide re-election in January, all the while quietly enduring Beijing’s subversive efforts to unseat her and Xi Jinping’s constant threats of war and occupation.The Taiwanese have been blessed with four years of Tsai’s avowedly liberal, mildly social-democratic and happily free-enterprise government. Among other things, the 63-year-old former law professor oversaw the introduction of Taiwan’s same-sex marriage law, the first in all of Asia. In Canada she would likely be called Métis, coming from a blended family of Hakka-speaking people and the indigenous Paiwan people, and now the culturally diverse Taiwanese have returned her to the presidency, and Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party to the legislature, with a majority.


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Tsai Ing-wen (is) the most courageous, principled and competent leader of any country on the face of the Earth

Most noticeably to the outside world, Tsai has protected Taiwan from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic more effectively than any country on Earth. By the day of her inauguration, with a population of roughly 24 million people, only 440 COVID-19 cases had been reported in the whole country, and only seven people had died. By comparison, with 38 million people, Canada has reported 79,112 cases, and 5,912 Canadians have died.

Taiwan stands out as a rebuke to Beijing’s claim that its totalitarian system is superior to democratic states in controlling infectious diseases, and Taiwan’s accomplishment has particularly enraged Beijing, which has long maintained a specious claim that Taiwan is a breakaway province that rightfully belongs to the People’s Republic of China. Most significantly, Tsai’s government accomplished its victory over SARS-CoV-2 by ignoring the calamitous advice of the World Health Organization’s director-general, the Beijing sycophant Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros has responded by lying through his teeth, denying that Taiwan warned the WHO well in advance of Beijing’s admission weeks after the fact that something very much like the 2002-2003 SARS virus was causing people to drop like flies in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


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Not satisfied with that, Tedros accused Taiwan of being behind a campaign of racist calumny waged against him on social media — even though Taiwan’s Investigation Bureau had shown that the fake posts, purporting to be Taiwanese in origin, were the function of Beijing-backed “troll farms” in China. Tedros also refused requests from several UN member states to allow Taiwan to resume its place as an observer at meetings of the World Health Assembly, the WHO’s governing body at the United Nations. That cause was taken up by Australia, which successfully mobilized dozens of Western countries behind a resolution calling for an independent inquiry into Beijing’s early coverups of the virus outbreak in Wuhan and the WHO’s complicity in the affair.


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Social distancing is maintained as Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen delivers her inaugural address in Taipei on May 20, 2020.
Social distancing is maintained as Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen delivers her inaugural address in Taipei on May 20, 2020. Photo by Wang Yu Ching/Taiwan Presidential Office/Handout via Reuters /Wang Yu Ching/Taiwan Presidential Office/Handout via Reuters

For its impudence, Australia has been punished with embargoes on its beef exports to China, and Beijing has further threatened stiff tariffs on Australian barley. But Australia’s initiative was taken up by the European Union, the United States and several other countries. Seeing safety in numbers after 62 countries had joined the effort, late last week Canada signed on. By the time the resolution made it through the World Health Assembly’s abbreviated session earlier this week, Taiwan’s status had been put aside, and the resolution was so neutered that even Xi liked it.

The resolution is a 3,000-word hodgepodge, but at the end it calls on Tedros to initiate, “at the earliest appropriate moment, and in consultation with Member States … an impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation, including using existing mechanisms, as appropriate, to review experience gained and lessons learned from the WHO-co-ordinated international health response to COVID-19.”


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Sounds good, more or less, so far. Xi was so pleased he pledged to spend $2 billion over the next two years on the WHO’s work related to COVID-19, a commitment intended to show up the Americans, who have suspended payments to the WHO while the COVID-19 shadow hangs over it — an amount that in any case pales in comparison with the $9 billion the U.S. has pledged to assist developing countries in coping with the plague. But here’s the hitch.

For its impudence, Australia has been punished with embargoes on its beef exports to China

Perhaps the most important unanswered question is the one about just how a bat-origin Betacoronavirus ended up in the human population in the first place, late last year in Wuhan. Tedros is supposed to ask that question in collaboration with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization — which is one of the four UN agencies controlled by China. Last year, Beijing managed to get its candidate elected as the FAO’s director-general after forgiving $78 million in debt owed by the government of Cameroon, whose challenger for the post conveniently dropped out of the race immediately thereafter. The FAO top job then went to Qu Dongyu, who came to the job directly from his position as China’s vice-Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, where he oversaw the African swine fever catastrophe that spread across Asia and Europe, resulting in the slaughter and burial of millions of pigs.


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The ministry also oversees a massive new rural-development program involving the farming of wild animals. It’s a 50-species complex — bears, endangered pangolins, snakes and so on — that now provides the raw material for a multibillion-dollar industry Xi is promoting globally in the guise of “traditional Chinese medicine.” Last year, the WHO officially gave its blessing to Xi’s traditional Chinese medicine racket. Prof. Steven Salzberg, director of the Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Computational Biology, tells me that this same industry, in its marketing of products derived from coronavirus-infected bats, is “very likely” the origin of the outbreak in Wuhan late last year.

A man with a “No China” sticker on his phone is seen at a press conference about Taiwan’s efforts to get into the World Health Organization, in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 15, 2020.
A man with a “No China” sticker on his phone is seen at a press conference about Taiwan’s efforts to get into the World Health Organization, in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 15, 2020. Photo by Ann Wang/Reuters

Aside from the FAO, China’s candidates have taken the top jobs at the UN’s International Telecommunication Union, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the UN Industrial Development Organization. But Beijing’s first acquisition was the WHO, when China’s candidate, Margaret Chan, who was at the time running the public health authority in Hong Kong, back in 2006, took the post. Chan had renounced her Canadian citizenship to get the Hong Kong job, and after her posting with the WHO, Chan’s reward was a comfy position with the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.


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This is what the UN has become, thanks in no small part to the Trump administration’s abdication from the United States’ conventional leadership, and the UN Security Council is the in-crowd bistro the Trudeau government is lately and loudly declaiming to be rightfully entitled to hang around in, as a member. Tsai’s DPP is a sister party to Trudeau’s party — which quivers at Beijing’s feet — in the Liberal International organization. Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne is afraid to so much as speak Taiwan’s name out loud. So good luck to us all in getting to the bottom of the coronavirus catastrophe. But back to the good news.

Taiwan is still a free country, still a thriving liberal democracy. And Tsai Ing-wen is still Taiwan’s president.

Terry Glavin is an author and a journalist.

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