點擊以跟隨 CAC_ACE
Coaching Association of Canada
Enhancing the experiences of all participants through quality coaching. --- Améliorer l'expérience de tous les participants par la qualité de l'entraînement.
運動、健身和休閒Ottawa, Canadacoach.ca已加入 2009年4月

Coaching Association of Canada 的推文

The Mental Health & Sport Resource provides tools & info to overcome stigma & guide conversations about mental health Free portal🟰training & resources for coaches to develop mental health literacycoaching practices to improve performance & well-being #mentalhealthisoursport
The Mental Health and Sport Resource Hub’s robust set of resources takes a team approach to helping coaches and athletes address mental health challenges. Learn how to integrate positive mental health practices into your sport. #MentalHealthIsOurSport