Canadian attractions, events and experiences

Discover Canada's museums, national parks and historic sites and enjoy unforgettable experiences.


Services and information

National parks

Go back to nature and explore Canada's country-wide system of national parks.

National historic sites

Visit our national historic sites and discover their unique importance to Canada.

National marine conservation areas

Discover Canada's rich marine heritage at a national marine conservation area.

Museums and galleries

Visit a national museum or gallery, get a Museums Passport or apply for funding through programs designed to support heritage institutions.

Events, celebrations and commemorations

Participate in our national events and celebrations and join us in commemorating people and chapters from Canadian history.

Experience Canada's Capital Region

Experience Canada's capital through year-round activities, attractions and events in the region such as Canada Day and Winterlude.

Keep exploring

Discover Canada and learn about amazing trip ideas, exciting places to visit and things to do./


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