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In order to improve the administration of justice, we support the ongoing judicial education of judges. This approach is initiated to enable federally appointed judges to practice their profession to the best of their ability and with the greatest integrity and empathy.
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Judges are the link between Canadians and their justice system. To maintain this link of trust, judges must adopt and uphold the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. Staying informed, inclusive and free of prejudice is an ongoing process, that’s why we have provided them with guidelines to help them better understand the challenges faced by all and to make the right decisions.
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The Council ensures that Canadians will be heard by impartial and independent federally appointed judges. This is called "judicial independence." Judges must be totally immune to any attempt to influence their decisions. The Council ensures that Canadians understand the principles of judicial independence and strives to preserve it.
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Transparency is an essential ingredient to ensure public confidence in our legal system. By creating links between the justice system, judges and Canadians, we are proud of the transparency of the communications, processes and operations that are implemented. We also provide all judges with the guidelines, tools and best practices to help guide their work.
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Canadian judges’ work extends beyond the courts. Our federally appointed judges are actively involved in developing various projects that aim to improve the justice system, their profession and, most importantly, provide better access to justice for all.
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If you have concerns about the conduct of a federally appointed judge, you can submit a written complaint about the judge in question. We are committed to carefully assessing each complaint, and we can assure you that the Council will consider all aspects of your complaint: your point of view, that of the judge and the interest of the public.