Improving health care

We are working to improve health care across the country. On February 7, 2023, we announced an investment of over $198 billion to help improve the health care system.

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Shared health priorities

Everyone deserves timely access to health care services when and where they need them. We are working with provinces and territories on 4 shared health priorities to improve health care for people in Canada:

Another priority is helping people age with dignity, closer to home, with access to home care or care in a safe long-term care facility. We are already working with provinces and territories to support access to home care and long-term care. This includes existing investments of $6 billion for home and community care and $4 billion to improve the quality and safety of long-term care. We also announced an additional $1.7 billion over 5 years to support wage increases for personal support workers and related professions.

Investments to improve health care

We will distribute these investments partly through the Canada Health Transfer and partly through tailor-made bilateral agreements with provinces and territories. In addition, we will invest in an Indigenous-specific funding stream, and other federal initiatives to support and improve the health care system.

Agreements in principle with provinces and territories

Canada Health Transfer

The Canada Health Transfer (CHT) is the largest major federal transfer to provinces and territories. We will provide further support through the CHT as:

To access this funding, provincial and territorial governments will need to:

Bilateral agreements

This investment includes $25 billion over 10 years to provinces and territories to advance 4 shared health priorities. Provinces and territories have unique needs based on their populations and geography. As such, these bilateral agreements will be flexible in order to address these unique needs.

The key principles of the bilateral agreements are:

As part of these agreements, provinces and territories will need to develop action plans that describe:

Additionally, provinces and territories are being asked to streamline foreign credential recognition for internationally-educated health professionals, and to advance labour mobility, starting with multi-jurisdictional credential recognition for key health professionals.

Indigenous health priorities

We will work with Indigenous partners to provide additional support for Indigenous health priorities:

Other federal initiatives

This investment also includes funding to support collaboration in areas such as immigration, credential recognition, official language minority communities and data infrastructure and standards:

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