
The WMF Cloud/Tools Lab side is currently experiencing hardware issues
Title or URL:

This is an external link checker tool for Wikimedia Foundation projects. It uses standard HTTP response code and some redirect heuristics to detect dead links.

Using in a nutshell

Wikipedia has more about this subject:
  • Paste the URL or page title into the top box and click "Check article".
  • The tool uses AI to classify links to three groups: Working links (White and Yellow), Broken links (Orange and Red), and Indeterminate (Green and Blue)
  • The tool is over 98% correct with these classifications, but I'm always trying to improve it
  • Click the row to open the diagnostic display or click on the link to open in an inline-frame.
  • Use the built-in tools to fix, these will be rewritten to be easier to understand. Do not "fix" redirects.

Automatic checking

These are jobs that are automatically run and are useful for some WikiProjects to keep track of linkrot and bad links in their project. See User:Dispenser/Checklinks/config for details.
