University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus - Improve Life

COVID-19 Student Q & A's

Monitoring of Covid-19 - Is the University (Ridgetown Campus) going to continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation

Yes! Your safety is a top priority. The campus works very closely with University administration, the OAC’s deans office, and C-K Public Health to help make informed and safe decisions. Again, your safety is a top priority, and if these proposed semester plans need to change; they will.

Living in Steckley Hall Residence for 4-Week On-Campus Lab Portion: Can you please tell me about this option to living arrangements in mid-August through to September 11, 2020?

If it is safe for face-to-face teaching in mid-August and you come to Ridgetown to complete this portion of your semester, we are offering our on campus Residence, Steckley Hall as an optional place to stay for the 4-week period. Information on room costs, room types, food service, etc., for this option will be shared when it becomes available.

Page reviewed 06/05/2020