BBC Bitesize



Age 3 to 11



Age 11 to 16



Skills and jobs



BBC Teach

GCSE exam revision 2024

Get ready for your GCSEs with quizzes, videos, podcasts and more!

Primary games
Primary games

Earth Squad, Go! - Science game

Explore different habitats with the Earth Squad and complete challenges about the living the world.

More games for primary school students

Check out this BBC Bitesize / 5 Live survey of over 2000 13-18 year-olds and watch the video podcasts with Ami Charlize and Dr Radha.

Watch the Blue Peter Book Club takeover show on CBBC and BBC iPlayer, and get involved with our fabulous Bitesize guides.

Around the UK

  • Social Studies History

    Learn about early pandemics and the Scottish witch trials.

    • Attribution
      Scotland • 3rd level • Ages 11-15
  • Feelings and emotions

    We all have emotions and we feel different things at different times. Find out why.

    • Attribution
      Northern Ireland • KS2 PDMU
  • Humanities History

    Discover the Celts, the Tudors and the Princes of Wales.

    • Attribution
      Wales • Primary • Ages 8-11
  • Humanities Geography

    Learn about change and movement while building your geographical skills.

    • Attribution
      Wales • Secondary • Ages 11-14

View all our subjects

Maths, English, Science and more... We've got you!