Quebec Superior Court

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Quebec Superior Court (French: Cour supérieure du Québec) is the highest trial Court in the Province of Quebec, Canada. It consists of 144 judges who are appointed by the federal government. Appeals from this Court are taken to the Quebec Court of Appeal.

Chief Justices[edit]

Chief Justices (term): [partial listing]

List of Current Justices[edit]

Name Region Date Appointed Appointed By
Chief Justice Jacques R. Fournier All 2002 (J)
2015 (CJ)
Jean Cretien
Stephen Harper
Senior Associate Chief Justice Robert Pidgeon All 1989 (J)
2005 (ACJ)
Brian Mulroney
Stephen Harper
Associate Chief Justice Eva Petras All 2006 (J)
2015 (ACJ)
Stephen Harper
Justice Robert Dufresne Abitibi - Rouyn-noranda - Témiscamingue 2006 Stephen Harper
Justice Michel Girouard Abitibi - Rouyn-noranda - Témiscamingue 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Sandra Bouchard Alma 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Paul Corriveau * Baie-Comeau - Mingan 1985 Brian Mulroney
Justice Serge Francoeur Alma 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Nicole-M. Gibeau Beauharanois 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Jean-Roch Landry * Bonaventure 1994 Jean Chretien
Justice Roger Banford * Chicoutimi 1992 Brian Mulroney
Justice Martin Dallaire Chicoutimi 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Carl Lachance Chicoutimi 2004 Paul Martin
Justice Nicole Tremblay Chicoutimi 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Lise Matteau Drummond 2002 Jean Chretein
Justice Marie-Josée Bédard Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2015
Justice Martin Bédard * Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2000 Jean Chretien
Justice Pierre Dallaire Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Dominique Goulet Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Pierre Isabelle * Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 1999 Jean Chretien
Justice Suzanne Tessier Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Carole Therrien Gatineau - Pontiac - Labelle 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Claude Auclair Joliette 2004 Paul Martin
Justice Christiane Alary Laval 2005 Paul Martin
Justice Pierre Journet * Laval 1995 Jean Chretien
Justice Jean-Jude Chabot * Longueuil 1987 Brian Mulroney
Justice Carole Julien Longueuil 1994 Jean Chretien
Justice Chantal Masse Longueuil 2006
Justice Sophie Picard Longueuil 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Louisa Arcand Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Marie-Claude Armstrong Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Frédéric Bachand Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Babak Barin Montréal 2015
Justice Christine Baudouin Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Guylène Beaugé Montréal 2007
Justice Pierre Béliveau * Montréal 1994
Justice Nicole Bénard * Montréal 1991
Justice Donald Bisson Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Marc-André Blanchard Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Sylviane Borenstein * Montréal 1994
Justice Alexandre Boucher Montréal 2015
Justice Sophie Bourque Montréal 2005
Justice Christian J. Brossard Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice James L. Brunton Montréal 2003
Justice Jean-François Buffoni * Montréal 2002
Justice Pepita G. Capriolo * Montréal 1999
Justice Kirkland Casgrain Montréal 2003
Justice Robert Castiglio Montréal 2008
Justice Martin Castonguay Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Claude Champagne * Montréal 2000
Justice France Charbonneau Montréal 2004
Justice Chantal Chatelain Montréal 2015
Justice Carol Cohen Montréal 1997
Justice David R. Collier Montréal 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Silvana Conte Montréal 2015
Justice Chantal Corriveau Montréal 2005
Justice Suzanne Courchesne Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Guy Cournoyer Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Marie-France Courville * Montréal 1998
Justice François Dadour Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Claude Dallaire Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Marc David Montréal 2005
Justice Thomas M. Davis Montréal 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Wilbrod Claude Décarie * Montréal 1994
Justice Marc De Wever * Montréal 2001
Justice Michel Déziel Montréal 2003
Justice Hélène Di Salvo Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Jean-Guy Dubois * Montréal 1997
Justice Gérard Dugré Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice France Dulude Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice François P. Duprat Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Benoît Emery Montréal 2002
Justice Lucie Fournier Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice William Fraiberg * Montréal 1999
Justice Pierre-C. Gagnon Montréal 2002
Justice Serge Gaudet Montréal 2015
Justice Marie Gaudreau Montréal 2003
Justice Louis J. Gouin Montréal 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Lukasz Granosik Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Carole Hallée Montréal 2001 Jean Chretein
Justice Stephen W. Hamilton Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Anne Jacob Montréal 2015
Justice Peter Kalichman Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Karen Kear Jodoin Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Pierre Labelle Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Pierre Labrie Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Myriam Lachance Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Louis Lacoursière Montréal 2002
Justice Marie-Claude Lalande Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Jean-Yves Lalonde Montréal 2003
Justice Chantal Lamarche Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Julien Lanctôt * Montréal 1998
Justice Hélène Langlois Montréal 1999
Justice Luc Lefebvre * Montréal 1998
Justice Louise Lemelin * Montréal 1994
Justice Mario Longpré Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Florence Lucas Montréal 2015
Justice Johanne Mainville [1] Montréal 2006
Justice Catherine Mandeville [2] Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Paul Mayer Montréal 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Danielle Mayrand * Montréal 2001
Justice Jean-François Michaud Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Michèle Monast Montréal 2000 Jean Cretien
Justice Robert Mongeon * Montréal 2001 Jean Cretien
Justice Benoît Moore Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Gregory Moore Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Gary D.D. Morrison Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Richard Nadeau * Montréal 1999
Justice Francine Nantel Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Pierre Nollet Montréal 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Marie-Anne Paquette Montréal 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Daniel W. Payette Montréal 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Mark G. Peacock Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Michel Pennou Montréal 2015
Justice Micheline Perrault Montréal 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Eliane B. Perreault Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Eva Petras Montréal 2006
Justice Claudette Picard * Montréal 1997
Justice Michel A. Pinsonnault Montréal 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Yves Poirier Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Élise Poisson Montréal 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Aline U. K. Quach Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice André prévost Montréal 2004
Justice Steve J. Reimnitz Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice Brian J. Riordan * Montréal 2004
Justice Karen M. Rogers Montréal 2017 Just Trudeau
Justice André Roy * Montréal 2003
Justice Daniel Royer Montréal 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Stéphane Sansfaçon Montréal 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Johanne St-Gelais Montréal 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Marc ST-Pierre Montréal 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Michael Stober Montréal 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Chantal Tremblay Montréal 2015
Justice Danielle Turcotte Montréal 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice André Vincent Montréal 2007 Stephen Harper
Justice André Wery * Montréal 1997 Jean Chretien
Justice Michel Yergeau Montréal 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Jerry Zigman * Montréal 1987 Brian Mulroney
Justice Johanne April Quebec City 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Jacques Babin * Quebec City 1995
Justice Michel Beaupré Quebec City 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Pierre C. Bellavance Quebec City 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice France Bergeron Quebec City 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Lise Bergeron Quebec City 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Jacques Blanchard Quebec City 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Danielle Blondin * Quebec City 1991
Justice Claude Bouchard Quebec City 2004
Justice Jacques G. Bouchard Quebec City 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Michel Caron * Quebec City 2000 Jean Chretien
Justice Guy Dd Blois Quebec City 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Louis Dionne Quebec City 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Daniel Dumais Quebec City 2014 Stephen Harper
Justice Jean-François Émond [3] Quebec City 2009, 2017
Justice Suzanne Gagné Quebec City 2015
Justice Marie-Paule Gaganon Quebec City 2017 Justin Trudeau
Justice Bernard Godbout Quebec City 2001 Jean Chretien
Justice Richard Grenier * Quebec City 1998 Jean Chretien
Justice Suzanne Hardy-Lemieux * Quebec City 1998 Jean Chretien
Justice Simon Hébert Quebec City 2015
Justice François Huot Quebec City 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Denis Jacques Quebec City 2004 Paul Martin
Justice Michèle Lacroix Quebec City 2000 Jean Chretien
Justice Catherine La Rosa Quebec City 2006
Justice Manon Lavoie Quebec City 2013 Stephen Harper
Justice Jean Lemelin * Quebec City 1996 Jean Chretien
Justice Marc Lesage * Quebec City 1998 Jean Chretien
Justice Alain Michaud Quebec City 2010 Stephen Harper
Justice Benoit Moulin Quebec City 2002
Justice Pierre Ouellet Quebec City 2009 Stephen Harper
Justice Suzanne Ouellet Quebec City 2005
Justice Marc Paradis Quebec City 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Clément Samson Quebec City 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Alicia Soldevila Quebec City 2006
Justice Georges Taschereau * Quebec City 1997 Jean Chretien
Justice Claudette Tessier-Couture * Quebec City 2003
Justice Bernard Tremblay Quebec City 2015
Justice Marie-France Vincent [4] Quebec City 2017
Justice Louis-Paul Cullen [5] Richelieu - St-Hyacinthe 2006 Stephen Harper
Justice Daniel Beaulieu Rimouski 2012 Stephen Harper
Justice Gilles Blanchet * Rimouski 1995
Justice Claude-Henri Gendreau * Rimouski 1997 Jean Chretien
Justice P.-Marcel Bellavance * St-François - Bedford - Mégantic 1991
Justice Suzanne Mireault * St-François - Bedford - Mégantic 1995
Justice Sylvain Provencher St-François - Bedford - Mégantic 2015
Justice Claude Villeneuve St-François - Bedford - Mégantic 2015
Justice Martin Bureau Sherbrooke 2003
Justice Gaétan Dumas Sherbrooke 2004
Justice Charles Ouellet Sherbrooke 2011 Stephen Harper
Justice Sylvain Provencher Sherbrooke 2015
Justice Line Samoisette Sherbrooke 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Yves Tardif * Sherbrooke 2000
Justice François Tôth Sherbrooke 2006
Justice Étienne Parent [6] St-Maurice 2006, 2017 ___, Justin Trudeau
Justice Raymond W. Pronovost * St-Maurice 1997
Justice Michel A. Caron Terrebonne 2005
Justice Alain Bolcduc Trois-Rivieres 2015
Justice Danye Daigle Trois-Rivieres 2015
Justice Jocelyn Geoffroy Trois-Rivieres 2008 Stephen Harper
Justice Robert Legris * Trois-Rivieres 1987

(*) means supernumerary

Sources and notes[edit]