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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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see Family


see also Legislation ,  Tourism

  1. About Canadian Symbols at Parliament - A Resource for Educators

  2. Cabinet Ministers - Addresses and Contact Information

  3. Cabinet Ministers - Current List of Ministers

  4. Canada's Parliament

  5. Commissions of Inquiry - Privy Council Office

  6. Exploring Parliament Hill

  7. Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan

  8. General Information About Elections in Canada

  9. House of Commons - Committee Business

  10. House of Commons - Fact Sheets on Procedure

  11. House of Commons - Members of the House of Commons

  12. House of Commons - Members of Parliament (MPs) by Postal Code

  13. LEGISINFO - Library of Parliament

  14. Live Audio Webcasts From the Senate

  15. ParlVU - Live Webcasts From the House of Commons

  16. Prime Minister of Canada

  17. Senate of Canada, The

  18. The Ministry and its Responsibilities - Library of Parliament


see Citizen Participation


see also Travel

  1. Passport applications

  2. Passport On-line Form

  3. Passport - How to Obtain

  4. Passport - Lost or Stolen

  5. Passport Canada

  6. Passport Canada - Service locations

  7. Service Canada Passport Receiving Agents


see Intellectual Property ,  Trademarks


see Armed Forces


see Correctional Institutions


see also Veterans

  1. Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

  2. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) - View and Update Personal Information

  3. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) - Appealing a Decision to a Review Tribunal

  4. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Statement of Contributions On-line

  5. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) - What's in it for Youth?

  6. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Board

  7. Canadian Forces Pension Office

  8. Canadian Government Annuities

  9. Canadian Retirement Income Calculator

  10. Compensation

  11. Disability Benefits - Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

  12. Federal Public Service Pension Plan

  13. Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

  14. Income Security Programs

  15. Income Security Program Forms

  16. International Social Security Benefits

  17. Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)

  18. Living / Working / Retiring Abroad

  19. My Service Canada Account  My Account icon

  20. Old Age Security (OAS) - Appealing a Decision to a Review Tribunal

  21. Old Age Security (OAS) Card

  22. Old Age Security (OAS) Program

  23. Pension Benefits Calculator - Public Service Pension Plan

  24. Pension Benefits Division Act Information Kit

  25. Public Sector Pension Investment Board

  26. Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

  27. Service Buyback Estimator - Public Service Pension Plan

  28. Service Canada

  29. Tax Information Slips On-line

  30. Veterans Affairs Canada - Veterans Services

  31. Veterans Review and Appeal Board

Performing Arts

see Arts

Persons With Disabilities

see also Pensions

  1. Accessible Transportation - Canadian Transportation Agency

  2. Accessible Transportation - Transport Canada

  3. Canadian Health Network - People with Disabilities

  4. Community Development and Partnerships Directorate - Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD)

  5. Disability Benefits - Appealing a Decision to a Review Tribunal Under the Canada Pension Plan

  6. Disability Benefits - Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

  7. Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program

  8. Disability Weblinks

  9. Office for Disability Issues

  10. Opportunities Fund for Persons With Disabilities

  11. Persons With Disabilities On-line

  12. Recognition in Europe of Parking Permits for Persons With Disabilities

  13. Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program
  14. Social Union Initiative

  15. Tax - People With Disabilities

  16. Technical Advisory Committee on Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities

  17. Veterans Affairs Canada - Veterans Services


see Energy


see Correctional Institutions ,  Crime


see Environment ,  Health

Postal Services

  1. Canada Post - Explore the Planet!

  2. On-line Business Centre - Canada Post

  3. On-line Tools - Canada Post

  4. Postal Code Look-Up

  5. Products and Services - Canada Post

  6. SmartMoves - Change of Address and Move Kit

  7. Stamps and Gifts On-line Store

  8. Write to the Troops

Post Offices

see Postal Services

Postsecondary Education

see Education

Prescription Drugs

see Drugs

Press Releases

  1. Archives of Former Prime Ministers' Web Sites

  2. Climate Change

  3. Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces RSS News Feeds

  4. Newsroom

  5. Office of the Prime Minister - Media Centre

  6. What's New by Date - Canada Site


see Correctional Institutions


see Access to Information


see Food

Public Hearings

see Citizen Participation

Public Safety

  1. Public Safety


  1. Government of Canada Publications

  2. Publications and Reports - Canada Site

  3. Virtual Library - Library of Parliament