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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Bank Notes

see Currency


see also Financial Institutions

  1. Industry Canada - Programs and Services

  2. Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy


see Financial Institutions


see also Financial Assistance

  1. Canada Benefits

  2. Service Canada

  3. Student Loans - Canada Student Loans Program


see Languages


see Legislation


see also Sciences ,  Technology

  1. BioPortal - The Government of Canada's Biotechnology Resource for Consumers, Industry, Scientists and Educators

  2. Biotechnology - Health Canada

  3. Biotechnology - National Research Council Canada (NRC)

  4. Biotechnology - Natural Resources Canada

  5. Biotechnology at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency

  6. Biotechnology at the Canadian Forest Service (CFS)

  7. Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee

  8. Life Sciences Gateway - Strategis

  9. Science.gc.ca - Science and Technology


see Infants


  1. Canada Savings Bonds (Canada Investment and Savings) - The Canada RSP
  2. Canada Savings Bonds (Canada Investment and Savings) - On-line Tools for Bondholders

  3. Canada Savings Bonds (Canada Investment and Savings) - Services for Bondholders

  4. Kids Can Save - Canada Savings Bonds

  5. New Canada Savings Bonds Payroll Savings Plan On-line Access

Border Crossing

see also Customs and excise ,  Travel

  1. Border Information Service

  2. Border Infrastructure Fund

  3. Border Wait Times

  4. Building a Smart Border for the 21st Century

  5. Campaign Against Terrorism - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

  6. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  7. Canadian Automated Export Declaration

  8. CANPASS: Streamlines Customs Clearance for Frequent Travellers

  9. Customs On-line - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  10. Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Program

  11. I Declare

  12. Managing Access to Canada - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  13. NEXUS

  14. Tackling Crime


see Border Crossing


see Financial Assistance ,  Financial Institutions


see Television


see also Financial Assistance

  1. Budget 2006

  2. Budget Information by Year - Finance Canada

  3. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

  4. Consulting With Canadians - Finance Canada

  5. Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan

  6. Public Accounts of Canada

  7. Social Union Initiative

  8. Transfer Payments to Provinces - An Investment in Canadians

    1. Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

    2. Equalization Program

    3. Offshore Resources Accords

  9. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Information for Canadians

  10. Where Your Tax Dollar Goes


  1. Bullying


see Education


see also Economy

  1. Aboriginal Business Canada

  2. Acquisitions - Public Works and Government Services Canada

  3. Am I an Entrepreneur?

  4. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

  5. Automated Earnings Reporting System (AERS)

  6. Bank and Exchange Rates

  7. BizPaL.ca - Business Permits and Licences

  8. Budget 2006 - Quick Index

  9. Business Data

  10. Business Development Bank of Canada

  11. Business Info - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

  12. Business Registration On-line

  13. Business Risk Management - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  14. Business Start-up Assistant

  15. Canada Business Network

  16. Canada Community Investment Plan - 1996-2002

  17. Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions - Programs

  18. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - Electronic Services

  19. Canada Small Business Financing Program - Industry Canada

  20. Canadabusiness.ic.gc.ca

  21. Canadian Automated Export Declaration

  22. Canadian Business Environmental Performance Office

  23. Canadian Technology Network


  25. Competition Bureau

  26. Contracts Canada - How to Do Business With the Federal Government

  27. Corporate Name Search - NUANS®

  28. Corporation Internet Filing Service

  29. Corporations Canada Electronic Filing Centre

  30. Customs On-line - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  31. Digital Economy in Canada

  32. Ebiz.enable

  33. Electronic Commerce

  34. Export and Import Controls System (EICS) - International Trade Canada (ITCan)

  35. ExportSource.ca (Team Canada Inc)

  36. Financial Service Charges Calculator for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  37. Frequently Requested Business Forms - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

  38. GST/HST EDI Filing and Remitting

  39. Guide to Government of Canada Services and Support for Small Business

  40. Industry Canada - Programs and Services

  41. Information Request - Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

  42. Innovation in Canada

  43. Job Bank

  44. Lease or Buy Calculator

  45. Managing for Business Success

  46. My Business Account  My Account icon

  47. Opportunities Fund for Persons With Disabilities

  48. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act - E-kit for Businesses

  49. Public Accounts of Canada

  50. Public Works and Government Services Canada : Serving Business

  51. Receiver General for Canada

  52. Record of Employment

  53. Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web)

  54. Retail Trade - Electronic Business Resources

  55. Small and Medium Enterprises

  56. Small Businesses and Self-employed Individuals - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

  57. Software Acquisition Reference Centre

  58. Sources of Financing - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

  59. Sources of Financing for Small Business

  60. Strategis: Canada's Business and Consumer Site

  61. Student Connections Program

  62. Supplier Registration Information - Contracts Canada

  63. Tax Information and Services for Businesses - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

  64. Team Canada

  65. Virtual Trade Commissioner - International Trade Canada

  66. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) - Sustainable Communities

  67. Young Entrepreneur Financing Program