This page provides information about recent additions to the Library and Archives Canada website, such as new projects and initiatives or updates to information on the site. Please visit our Media Room to see the latest news releases. Please visit What's On for an up-to-date list of events at Library and Archives Canada.
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
November 28, 2006 |
Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000
www.collectionscanada.ca/disclosure/g-and-c/012028-200-e.html |
Performance Report for the period ending March 31, 2006
The Library and Archives Canada Performance Report for the period
ending March 31, 2006, was tabled in Parliament on Thursday, November 23, 2006.
www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/dpr-rmr/0506/LAC-BAC/LAC-BAC_e.asp |
November 23, 2006 |
ArchiviaNet Service Interruptions
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-275-e.html |
November 7, 2006 |
Oral Histories of the First World War: Veterans 1914 - 1918
www.collectionscanada.ca/first-world-war/interviews/index-e.html |
November 3, 2006 |
Building a Just Society: A Retrospective of Canadian Rights and Freedoms
www.collectionscanada.ca/rights-and-freedoms/index-e.html |
November 1, 2006 |
Library and Archives Canada Public Research Areas Are Now Open
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-273-e.html |
October 2006
October 27, 2006 |
UNESCO World Day For Audiovisual Heritage
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-270-e.html |
October 26, 2006 |
Judgement in Glenn Gould Case
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-269-e.html |
October 23, 2006 |
Hockey: Canada's Royal Winter Game - Read Arthur Farrell's rare 1899 hockey handbook online!
www.collectionscanada.ca/hockey/024002-4000-e.html |
October 20, 2006 |
Here, Staying Here: The Canadian Immigrant Experience - Second phase: Traces of
the Past
www.collectionscanada.ca/immigrants/index-e.html |
Likacheff-Ragosine-Mathers (LI-RA-MA) Collection (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/li-ra-ma/index-e.html |
Passenger Lists, 1865-1922 (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/passenger/index-e.html |
Ward Chipman, Muster Master's Office (1777-1785) (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/ward-chipman/index-e.html |
October 10, 2006 |
2007 - Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches -
September 24 to 28, 2007
www.cci-icc.gc.ca/symposium/index_e.aspx |
Reopening of
Public Research Areas: October 10, 2006
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-266-e.html |
October 5, 2006 |
Canadian Library
www.collectionscanada.ca/e-newsletter/index-e.html |
October 4, 2006 |
Access and Preservation:
Two Sides of the Same Coin
www.collectionscanada.ca/about-us/012-214-e.html |
Day at Library and Archives Canada
www.collectionscanada.ca/whats-new/013-268-e.html |
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
For historical information visit: