Operation RUTTER - Timeline - Through A Lens: Dieppe in photograph and film - Library and Archives Canada
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Timeline German Newreels Canadian Army Newreels Classrooms Resrouces
Original Plan: Operation RUTTER Revised Plan: Operation JUBILEE Across the Channel The Raid on Dieppe


Original Plan: Operation RUTTER

In the spring of 1942, the Allies planned a large raid on German occupied territory to take place during the first week of July 1942. Code-named "Operation Rutter," the objective was the French port of Dieppe.


25 April 1942

Planning for the raid begins.

The original plan, including the objectives are established by Combined Operations.


20 May 1942

Training for the raid begins in England.

Canadian and British troops train for more than two months on the Isle of Wight practicing landing and coastal attacks for the raid.


07 July 1942

Operation RUTTER is cancelled.

Due to a number of factors, in particular the unfavourable weather reports, the raid is cancelled.


Canadian troops embarking
in landing craft during
training exercise before
the raid on Dieppe

Personnel of the Royal
Canadian Army Medical
Corps in England treating
"casualties" during rehearsal
in England for raid
on Dieppe.

Canadian troops
disembarking from landing
craft during training exercise
before the raid on Dieppe.