Census of Canada
The census provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people. The most recent census was on May 16, 2006. Learn more about the census.
- November 1, 2007 - Update to the Preview of Products and Services, 2006 Census
- October 31, 2007 - Families Reference Guide, 2006 Census
- October 26, 2007 - Census of Agriculture - The soybean, agriculture's jack-of-all-trades, is gaining ground across Canada - Canadian Agriculture at a Glance
- October 19, 2007 - Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF), 2006 Census, Postal Code by Federal Riding (2003 Representation Order) File (PCFRF), 2006 Census - Update
- October 12, 2007 - Housing and Dwelling Characteristics Reference Guide, 2006 Census
- October 10, 2007 - Profile release components of Marital status, common-law status, families, dwellings and households - Lower levels of geography
- September 12, 2007 - Families and households, Marital status, Housing and shelter costs
- July 17, 2007 - Age and sex
- March 13, 2007 - Population and dwelling counts
- Sign up by using the 'My account' feature to be notified of 2006 Census of Population releases.
2006 Census
1996 Census
Release highlights
2006 Census releases
Recent releases
- September 12, 2007
Upcoming releases
- December 4, 2007
- Language
- Mobility and migration
- Immigration and citizenship
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