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Section title: Introduction: The Story Behind Project Naming

What's new in Phase II?

Photograph of an Inuit woman, Kidlapik, playing a string game, Baker Lake (Qamanittuaq), Nunavut, 1963. Reference no. e006609451

The second phase of Project Naming continued with the research of photographs in public and private collections held by Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The scope expanded to all three regions of Nunavut — Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk), the Central Arctic (Kitikmeot) and Kivalliq (formerly Keewatin) — and the time frame was broadened to cover photographs taken from the early 1900s to the mid-1970s. From October 2005 to August 2006, more than 1,700 photographs were digitized and sent to Nunavut Sivuniksavut for identification.

Phase II began when Igloolik Elders Louis Uttak and Abraham Ulayuruluk; Joanna Quassa and Sylvia Ivalu of Nunavut's Department of Culture, Languages, Elders and Youth (CLEY) and Jesse Mike, a resident from Igloolik (Iglulik) and graduate from Nunavut Sivuniksavut Training Program, came to LAC for two weeks of research in October 2005.

Photograph showing Nunavut residents. Left to right: Sylvia Ivalu, Elders Louis Uttak and Abraham Ulayuruluk, as well as Jesse Mike, at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, looking through photographs from the Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk) and Kivalliq (formerly Keewatin) regions, October 2005   Photograph of Elder Abraham Ulayuruluk and Joanna Quassa looking at a photographic album depicting Inuit, from the collections of Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005   Photograph of Sylvia Ivalu and Elder Louis Uttak from Igloolik (Iglulik), Nunavut, looking through a photographic album depicting Inuit, in the collections of Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005   Photograph of Jesse Mike, an Iqaluit resident, using a magnifying glass to look at negatives at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005
From left to right: Sylvia Ivalu, Elders Louis Uttak and Abraham Ulayuruluk as well as Jesse Mike looking through photographs from the Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk) and Kivalliq (formerly Keewatin) regions
October 2005
  Elder Abraham Ulayuruluk and Joanna Quassa looking at a photographic album from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs collection Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa
October 2005
  Sylvia Ivalu and Elder Louis Uttak looking through a photographic album from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs collection Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa
October 2005
  Jesse Mike, an Iqaluit resident, examining negatives from the Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk) region, Library and Archives Canada Ottawa
October 2005

During their visit, hundreds of photographs located in different private and public collections were consulted, many of which were digitized and sent to CLEY for identification in December 2005. Elders Uttak and Ulayuruluk were also able to identify individuals in some of the images, including these three photographs from the James Vinton Stowell collection.

Photograph of Kalluk and her son, Nutarakituq, taken at an unknown location in Nunavut, 1952. The people in this photograph were identified by Elder Louis Uttak during his research at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005   Photograph of Ujaralaaq, Mark Tutat, Amimiarjuk, Arraq Qulitalik, Valentine Auqsaaq and Tarqtaq, taken at an unknown location in Nunavut, circa 1952. The people in this photograph were identified by Elder Louis Uttak during his research at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005   Photograph of Louisa Angugatsiak, and Teresie and Mark Tungilik, taken at an unknown location in Nunavut, circa 1952. The people in this photograph were identified by Elder Louis Uttak during his research at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, October 2005
Kalluk and her son Nutarakituq
Unknown location, 1952
  Ujaralaaq, Mark Tutat Amimiarjuk, Arraq Qulitalik, Valentine Auqsaaq and Tarqtaq identified by
Elder Louis Uttak
Unknown location,
circa 1952
  Louisa Angugatsiak, Teresie and Mark Tungilik identified by
Elder Louis Uttak
Unknown location,
circa 1952

Phase II of the project also features some new developments to the website, such as the addition of more than 1,700 newly digitized images that can be searched in the database. Other new features include further research (formerly "web links"), which provides a selection of published sources, film and video references, and links to related websites. The former "search for photos" section has been renamed search the database and the naming continues page that invites visitors to send new information about people portrayed in the photographs has been moved to the upper navigation bar.

In winter 2008 the educational resources material will be available, and will consist of the following four sections: a classroom discussions page for intermediate and secondary school students; Talking to Elders, an interview of Igloolik Elders Louis Uttak and Abraham Ulayuruluk that was videotaped during their visit to LAC; a page featuring webcasts of video conferences between students from Nunavut and non-Inuit students in other parts of Canada; and a list of books and websites for youth, under Research for Youth.

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