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Today's news releases from The Daily RSS

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, September 2007
Manufacturing sales were down in September, as most industries reported weaker sales.

Registered apprenticeship training programs, 2005
Registrations for apprenticeship training programs increased in all major trade groups in 2005, with the largest gains occurring in the building construction trades group, thanks to Canada's construction boom. In addition, women accounted for almost 1 out of every 10 people who registered in these programs.

Government business enterprises: Finances, 2005 and 2006

Construction Union Wage Rate Index, October 2007

Dairy statistics, September 2007 

Steel wire and specified wire products, September 2007

Refined petroleum products, September 2007 

New products

The most recent issues of The Daily

November  14, 2007 HTML PDF
November  13, 2007 HTML PDF
November    9, 2007 HTML PDF
November    8, 2007 HTML PDF

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