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  1. If you're a Dexter fan, this is cool. Also cool if you're not a Dexter fan. Cool if you kind of like Dexter:
  2. also, happy birthday @mrtall
  3. Happy Birthday @Al!
  4. @burnsy6 6-32-2014 work?
  5. @burnsy6 lunch sometime?
  6. The catcher might be the most under appreciated position in all sports. Such a gnarly job.
  7. @Magnuson how sad. sorry to hear that.
  8. @jmhodges no barking from the dog?
  9. @meangrape let's. I need something with more kick. The beer, wine, and Frenet didn't numb me enough to not realize what was happening.
  10. 20 year high school reunion...fuck.
  11. @KarriXLin I was kidding...I accidentally posted that.
  12. @sampsonian haha! glad I could help.
  13. @neongolden thanks for the love, but all credit goes to @crystal...
  14. Oh, and I wasn't hacked. I was just promoting the DIET that I lost 8lbs on...sheesh! What's wrong with that?
  15. Any bands looking for a gig?
  16. Considered changing our dog's name so we could use the name for our soon to arrive son. Probably too confusing for the grandparents though.