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  1. Can't sleep. And for some bizarre reason I feel very lonely. Weirdest day ever.
  2. Thinking of @penmachine & @airdriehislop as I go to sleep. #WeLoveDerek because he built an amazing community around him. #fuckcancer
  3. @bifnaked I don't know if you've ever read @penmachine 's blog but you probably would love it #fuckcancer
  4. @melaniekarin it is indeed :)
  5. @PhoeLam :)
  6. @harrietglynn @zoeyjane @BlissfulGirl @niftynotcool I'm going to drown my sorrows in NeoCitran :)
  7. @jogofoto @EmmeRogers awesome
  8. @camcavers @polveredistella @valtrevis @davemacdonald @bonniezink I told her "it was kind of a meager win" :( too high priced!
  9. I told my Mom "yes, but with a CPC government, your gay son could soon lose his right to marry". She wasn't that happy about that.
  10. @jonchiang Right. A potato sack instead :)