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  1. @crozco Nope, that's the robot. Whale corresponds to 502/503, robot is a 500 (classic Slide TB).
  2. @crozco haha, I swear this conversation happened here, too, yesterday.
  3. @shinypb just cause I keep my NES and SNES at home doesn't make it less legit. Plus, we've got a six-player multi-tap :)
  4. Love building innovative features on the web? Like playing classic games on our NES and SNES? Join my team at Twitter!
  5. @demisbellot No, definitely Chrome-specific. Three fingers down in OS X does Expose for Chrome tabs. Maybe just in dev channel?
  6. Whoa, I just accidentally discovered an Expose-type feature for Chrome tabs. Three finger swipe down on my MacBook Pro. Very cool.
  7. @chenosaurus @esbie can't wait!
  8. @crozco SO glad you're back :P
  9. OH: "I could make a joke about that, but it's not appropriate. Like in the sexual harassment sort of way."
  10. I'm somewhat surprised I haven't seen any Tweets this morning referencing a *-ocaylpse in SF.
  11. @RdioHelp Working now, I'll let you know if it recurs. Thanks!
  12. @kmonkeyjam I give it two days.
  13. @rdio can't get my droid to play any of my synced-to-mobile music this week. I've tried multiple restarts, it just doesn't go :(
  14. @jbrewer ha, I guess I should have stepped it up. I certainly didn't bowl any points for you, there were barely enough for me.