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  1. @itsdanno @valko Curses, beta's already full! Hopefully its a short beta period :)
  2. @itsdanno @valko There's a @Strava app!?! What's the secret search string? I'm not seeing one in the app store. #wantmobilestrava
  3. Lots of @missioncycling peeps on the road today!
  4. @laurencebgood @chalky @amoderngirl Yup, they're surprisingly easy to make, just takes some time. And obscene amounts of butter.
  5. likes Revolver by The Beatles on Ping #iTunes
  6. "Feels Like 44 °F" Sounds perfect for a morning ride.
  7. Top of Hawk Hill! (cc @alex_lod @mc_am_riders )
  8. @chalky are you joking, or is there really better connectivity out there than SF?
  9. @squarecog don't you mean, anyone have a patch so scraping is no longer necessary? #fixit
  10. @deekue looking good! That's a whole lotta climbing.
  11. Short 12 miler to start the day. 170bpm coming back from the ocean? #outofshape
  12. Huh. hftp paths turn dns names into ip addresses. Just FYI. #hadoop
  13. @ArchiveSF Store hours fail! I left work early to pickup an alteration and you were closed at 6:20.
  14. @josephruscio Holler if you want to ride some morning. Taking things slow and doing easy rides for now. #nolegs
  15. First post-crash ride!
  16. Always the skeptic - testing gravity with Fynn. It still works!