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  1. It's a surprise to me that some cyclists in this city haven't been flattened yet.
  2. French song of the day: Tom Tom Club - L'Elephant
  3. @rael You found it! I couldn't last time I was there.
  4. Messages from various embassies in Japan about what to do: Can you spot the outliers there?
  5. Le Ministere Francais de l'Agriculture sur Twitter: @Min_Agriculture
  6. San Francisco est a 70km de la Silicon Valley RT: @TCFR Twitter menace de quitter San Francisco
  7. Just saw a #caltrain employee with the same spark in his eye as my son as he watches a train pull into the station.
  8. @camertron Looks like Patrick has already settled down on the couch nicely. He looks great. How old is he?
  9. This little boy knows how to park his cars already!
  10. @camertron pics!
  11. So, that's done. #6nations
  12. Think you can do better, #caltrain?
  13. @TonyW @ROWGHANI @amac Agreed! @MarcManiez was commenting on how eloquent Ali is.
  14. @williwaller @translator Thanks. We're aware of the issue. He did translate some phrases into French, and a bunch of those were approved.
  15. @alperkokmen @translator The French version of #NewTwitter was translated to sound like #BeaujolaisNouveau (#TwitterNouveau)
  16. @jinen @claireballe That's only part of the collection!