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  1. Had a great time with my granddaughter at the Westshore Rotary & DFH Real Estate Easter egg hunt today! #yyj
  2. What a beautiful day to be out door knocking! (And a big thank you to the #ejdf #lpc volunteers who stayed inside to do phoning - you rock!)
  3. Hey #yyj, what do you think of this for #transit? MT @ICS_BruceBruce Why not use proven innovative guided buses on E&N?
  4. Learn more about @dance_octopus women in politics project here: (Full disclosure: I was interviewed for it) #cdnpoli
  5. "Lady Politicians Unite" - great piece fr @danipope @mondaymag on women in #cdnpoli project
  6. @ICS_Bruce Those are great examples - thanks for finding & passing on! Definitely something to look into more.
  7. Taking my granddaughter to Easter egg hunt @ Veterans Memorial Park - such a beautiful day for it!
  8. Interesting to see where Canada stands RT @BCSEA: Investing in Clean Power - Pew Clean Energy Program compares countries
  9. Lots of positive feedback & new supporters after this week's #elxn41 debates - thanks #ejdf! #yyjpoli #cdnpoli #yyj
  10. #EarthDay #ff : @dogwoodbc @NatureTrustofBC @GuyDauncey @wildernews @GeorgiaStraitBC @Ancient_Forest @yyjamongnature Thx 4 doing what u do!
  11. Hear hear! RT @DanPollock A @TimesColonist Editorial: Park is answer for Juan de Fuca marine trail lands #yyj #saveJDF
  12. @FootButterGuy No, thank you! :)
  13. @ICS_Bruce Wow, I LOVE the bus-rail idea! Be great to build locally. Any idea how it's progressed in Japan? #yyj #ejdf
  14. @FootButterGuy Now that's a plan I can get behind! :) Cities (thru FCM) emphasizing transit but also calling for $ for roads, infrastructure
  15. #ff to fellow Liberals in #yyj, @voterenee and @votecauston #yyjpoli #elxn41 #LPC