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  1. @wicary referee makes Man Utd's day by imagining a penalty after time was up.
  2. @RobertFife But no reasonable explanation why DND says cost half what US Congress told. DND says $75 mil, USGAO $133 to $156 mil.
  3. US GAO on F35s: "Development testing is still early in demonstrating that aircraft will work as intended and meet warfighter requirements."
  4. Tory Leader Harper says Canada immune to higher R&D costs for F35 fighters -- but US GAO warns about higher costs to buy and maintain them.
  5. Green Leader Elizabeth May out of the debates. Judge won't rush hearing on court challenge, so debates will be over before that's decided.
  6. Nanos poll: Tories lead by 10, with huge lead in West, but in close regional race with Liberals in Ontario and Atlantic Canada.
  7. Amnesty International says Canada no longer a world leader on human rights and "dithered" over supporting pro-democracy movement in Egypt.
  8. Foreign Minister Cannon told Human Rights Council in Geneva that "Canada stands ready" to provide humanitarian assistance to Libyans.
  9. @CdnPolitico Baird was tabling official notice of sanctions in Commons - plus Foreign Minister Cannon in Geneva.
  10. John Baird confirms Gadhafi regime tried to take money out of Canadian financial institutions. Won't say how much.
  11. @wicary And if the big fish flopped like it was out of water. Gasp.
  12. @wicary Misery!
  13. Junior foreign minister Ablonczy just referred to Cda-US border as "border between our shared country."
  14. Canadian training mission will have to get busy: allies, Afghans, expanding targets for army again, to 378,000.
  15. Fun map shows economies of US states the size of other countries. Canada left out, but it's b/w Texas and California.
  16. Diane Ablonczy to be junior foreign minister for Americas & Consular Affairs. All the headaches of missing and jailed Canucks now hers!
  17. Theo! The boy is all grown up.
  18. Hillary Clinton says Haitian leaders should take Senator's call to cut off aid as a signal of US frustration with elections.
  19. Embarassment for both sides. Good enough.
  20. Wish spurs and chelsea could both lose.