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  1. The issue Cdns care about the most is finally making it into the election campaign: Don Newman. #elxn41 #ipca #cv11
  2. Updated @ipoliticsca Leader Tracker map Duceppe has done most events, 67. Ignatieff 59, Layton 51, Harper 44 #elxn41
  3. Hmmm.....CP's reporting during the election might have done Harper more damage than I thought if Sun TV is attacking it. #elxn41 #ipca #cv11
  4. @slunney Stay warm! Do you happen to know the addresses for yesterday's and today's mystery location events? I'm updating our map.
  5. @sarah_schmidt_ Does that make Martin the first Canadian prime minister to personally tweet rather than have a staffer do it? #ipca #elxn41
  6. Updating leader tracker map. Does anyone have addresses of today's and yesterday's mystery locations on the CPC tour in Vancouver? #elxn41
  7. Exciting schedule shaping up for the CAJ conference May 13-15. Deadline for early bird discount is April 25.#journalism
  8. @RobertFife This is what happened to reporters in Que when they answered that question Realized after they were had.
  9. Fascinating new info on the Afghan detainee docs. Has govt deliberately slowed processing of docs? #ipca #elxn41
  10. @Alec_Castonguay Est ce que Le Devoir aura un sondage bientot?
  11. Harper rebounds despite tough week according to new poll Big shift in Quebec and Montreal #elxn41 #ipca #cv11 #cdnpoli
  12. Stephen Harper has inspired one artist to create original song. Not sure Harper will be playing a duet. #ipca #elxn41
  13. NDP uses nearly identical heads in releases today criticizing Harper & Ignatieff. Guess they really do believe in recycling. #ipca #elxn41
  14. Ignatieff says sovereignty is passé. Will he waken Quebec's sleeping sovereignist dragon? #ipca #elxn41 #cv11 #cdnpoli
  15. @PascalBerube Merci. Je savais pas.
  16. @whogg On my screen it definitely matched the blue on the Bloc's website. Tory blue is darker.
  17. Duceppe says Chretien said they would crush sovereignists in '95 referendum. Wasn't Chretien. It was businessman Serge Garcia. #ipca #elxn41
  18. Ignatieff suggests sovty is no longer pertinent in 2011 because Quebec and French flourishing. Wonder how it will be received. #ipca
  19. Interesting tactic by Harper. Let Ignatieff and Duceppe bicker then wades in asking people to imagine them trying to run minority govt #ipca
  20. Ignatieff says Harper's reluctance to do open town halls etc also an Americanization of Canadian politics. New narrative. #ipca #elxn41