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  1. @scottfeschuk Solemn reply, Scott- every tweep knows your wit and sense of humour escape you when you're wrong or on the defensive. Like now
  2. @scottfeschuk Just evidence of them voting for it in the House of Commons. (As how Libs oppose Coalition except when all signed up for one)
  3. @scottfeschuk Example is Mr. Ignatieff and every Lib voting Yea on Div 22, Apr 14/10. If you have other rationale for their vote, provide it
  4. @scottfeschuk Why don't you tell me what the Apr 14 2010 vote was about, if not to amend law to restore the levy that Court struck down?
  5. @stphnmaher We say they voted for an iPod tax. What was the Apr 14 2010 vote about if not to restore the CPCC/Copyright Board levy?
  6. No joke, MI believes this RT @dprouss Asked about how he'd stop inflation, Iggy highlights the Liberal "Family Pack." #elxn41
  7. @rjbrennan Thanks for seeking and reporting #CPC reply
  8. @CBCAlerts You have #CPC reaction, it belongs in your story. We don't think that's too much to ask.
  9. @scottfeschuk You know full well the entire issue was restoring the CPCC/Copyright Board levy. See under "Backgrounder"
  10. Despite @m_ignatieff promise, ad with fabricated quotation is still on #LPC website,and on the air. How long does it take to change website?
  11. @scottfeschuk up to $75?
  12. Ignatieff says Liberals won't pull TV ad that Tories say misquotes Harper #elxn41 #momthevote
  13. @kady Yes, we do
  14. @kady Don't forget the 2004 LPC essay
  15. @kady No, see #LPC essay, "Stephen Harper and the National Citizens' Coalition," issued by Libs in 2004, page 5, also footnote 20
  16. @kady Or you can look at the Dobbin piece that the Libs just circulated (I've told you they knew all along with was D.Somerville)
  17. @liberal_wire Don't you get that you just linked to proof that you used a false Harper quotation in your ad?
  18. @liberal_wire Hold on - you link to article that attributes the "scrap" quotation to D.Somerville, not Mr. Harper, and think it helps you?