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  1. @BrianAKilgore I'll think of that as I'm walking alone later over to the restaurant!!#elxn41
  2. Its actually not that bad outside. No immediate threat of frostbite #elxn41
  3. We've just landed in yellowknife. Its sunny out. But I fear that doesn't mean its warm #elxn41
  4. Con tour about to head to yellowknife. My first time visiting that city #elxn41
  5. Waiting for the harper media avail. Hmmmm extra questions today??#elxn41
  6. Media with stephen harper get an extra question on health care. #elxn41
  7. Stephen harper campaigns in vancouver quadra. Talks about crime agenda. Later today back in burnaby #elxn41
  8. Just found out its no longer a news release but a communications product. Geesh I feel so old fashioned #elxn41
  9. Should be vancouver. Need more coffee #elxn41
  10. Vacouver is so lovely on a sat morning it almost seems a crime to be working #elxn41
  11. The light on the prairies, at the end of the day is as spectacular as I remember #elxn41
  12. Were about to take off for saskatoon for a rally. But first some plane bowling#elxn41
  13. Harper retools speech somewhat however sea of troubles is still lapping at our shores #elxn41
  14. Ooh. Loud sound track is new. Its harper in case you're wondering with dramatic music #elxn
  15. @kady you missed hotties for harper this morning.
  16. @kady see you there!!
  17. I don't mean to make my quebec friends jealous, but I just had st hubert for lunch
  18. Ahh. How I've missed the daily huddle to debate which 4 questions we will ask harper
  19. Just drove past montmorency falls. Beautiful. I've never been to this part of quebec #elxn41
  20. Just landed in quebec city with the conservatives. #elxn41