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  1. Ignatieff exit line: time to replace this gov't. That's why the song came into my head: Rise Up! Rise Up! Crowd rises and joins in.
  2. Ignatieff wraps in Brampton: more on democracy - Harper's Census move "an attack on facts." Is this Canada?
  3. 18th and last Q to MI: democracy in Cda. A: do what we are doing here: answer Qs. Open gov't. Documents online. People's Question Period
  4. 17th Q to MI in Brampton: help Tamils. A: We can train the Cdn spotlight so Tamils don't feel alone.
  5. 16th Q: in French - autism funding. A: It can bankrupt families. No instant magic solution...we gotta work with the provinces."
  6. 15th Q to MI in Brampton from Montrealer: nat'l unity. A: "no contradiction betw being proud Quebecker and proud Cdn." Sov'ty no use.
  7. 14th Q to MI: education+training. A: "education, education, education... Equality of opportunity."
  8. 13th Q to MI: cost of living. A: Harper says to middle class, back of the line - promises good in 5 yrs. Families need help now.
  9. 12th Q to MI: environment. A: Home insulation tax credit. "Clean up the oil sands." "If we don't go green, we may not have an economy."
  10. 11th Q to MI: health care. A:"our goal is not more health care, it's more health..less fat, less sugar."
  11. 10th Q to MI in Brampton: deficit+debt. A: Deficit to be cut to 1% of GDP within 2 yrs. Harper has "11B hole." Jets, jails, giveaways, no.
  12. 9th Q to MI in Brampton: homelessness - 500K on the street. A: commit to affordable housing...national anti-poverty strategy.
  13. 8th Q to MI: family visas again. A: "I can't wave a magic wand..we gotta streamline the system.."
  14. 7th: Komogatu Maru apology? (Sikh refugees turned away.) "Yes, an apology in Parliament wd be appropriate."
  15. 6th Q for MI: economy. A: "stand up for middle class family."
  16. 5th Q: fugitive dictators. A: With Bashir+Gaddafi, "we're saying you can't get away with it." "...stand up for democracy abroad.. + @ home."
  17. 4th Q for MI: My Tory and Green candidates failed to show for DB8. Why should I vote? A: "this is your country; your vote matters."
  18. 3rd Q for MI: family waiting 7.5 yrs to re-unite in Cda. A: increase the number of visas.
  19. 2nd Q for MI: Libya - why on earth are there? A: To protect civilians from being massacred. And "remember when we didn't do that: Rwanda."
  20. First Q for MI in Brampton: gas prices. A: "I can't roll back gas prices."