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  1. Misrata is NOT "total chaos". Situation is extremely difficult, but city is well organised, defended with bravery and determination. #Libya
  2. Another young man, his leg amputated Sunday, screaming on board ship in horrific pain. #Libya
  3. Another severely wounded would-be evacuee had to be turned back because doctors feared he would die during voyage. #Libya
  4. One of Misrata evacuees, a man who cooked meals for refugees, had to have both legs and an arm amputated after rocket attack. #Libya
  5. UN Security Council Resolution 1973 calls for protection of civilians. Misrata doctor tells me "they are not protected at all." #Libya
  6. In Qasr Ahmed clinic in Misrata, all the wounded are either young or old. All civilians hit either by snipers or rocket shrapnel. #Libya
  7. Ca. 900 people evacuated from Misrata last night-from West Africa, Philippines, etc. plus 23 badly wounded people going to Benghazi #Libya
  8. Misrata residents say Qaddafi forces firing missiles into the city, hitting residential areas randomly. #Libya
  9. Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron described siege of Misrata as "medieval". Their description is accurate. #Libya
  10. Misrata residents say NATO air strikes few and far between, but potential targets are many. #Libya
  11. On ship back from Misrata. Situation there critical. Under bombardment. Under siege. Short of medicine. Not short of courage. #Libya
  12. From C.J. Chivers of the New York Times: Qaddafi Forces Fire Cluster Bombs Into Civilian Areas (in Misrata)
  13. Opposition spokesman says their forces on the verge of re-taking Brega. #Libya
  14. @Abdullah_SH None of this info is unknown to Tripoli. They have their own eyes and ears in eastern Libya, and they can read NYT, etc.
  15. As previously noted here, opposition fighters now have French-made MILAN anti-tank missiles. Source unknown. #Libya
  16. Emir of Qatar tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that rebels in #Libya could have weapons provided to them by #Qatar.
  17. Many fighters in Ajdabiya wearing brand-new desert military boots they say were supplied by #Qatar. #Libya
  18. Source in Benghazi tells me new and more deadly weapons are being supplied to anti-Qaddafi forces in Misrata. #Libya
  19. Red Cross in Benghazi following up on disappearance of US-Libyan neurosurgeon Dr Rida Mazagri, missing in eastern #Libya since 16 March