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  1. @delwyn10 Yes some was. But that was just part. Key was spending rose at a good clip before 2009. Post-recession is a different matter.
  2. @Borror0 @andrew_leach #CPC #cdnpoli Not a deficit before 2009. One could say spending was not tight and rose robustly.
  3. @andrew_leach No question Libs did great job since 1995 getting the fiscal house in order. Would MI do the same playing left unlike Martin.
  4. @andrew_leach Liberals would done the same in 2009 and run a large deficit. Who are they really kidding. That is my point.
  5. @andrew_leach #cpc Whoever was in power in 2008/9 we would have run a large deficit. G-20 also had a fiscal agreement. #cdnpoli
  6. @paulvieira @stephenfgordon Saw CBC write up finding US economist who argued that corp tax cuts reduce growth. Shows you can find anyone.
  7. @paulvieira good luck Paul -- did not know you are switching. WSJ is great -- I read it daily.
  8. @CarolHusband good point!
  9. Stelmach criticizes Ottawa "worming its way" into regulating Alberta's resource. Fighting words. #cdnpoli
  10. At Stelmach dinner -- just giving his final speech as Premier. #abpoli
  11. US exit strategy out of its fiscal mess will be a tough slog without political consensus. PIMCO CEO may be write to sell US dollar short.
  12. Forest industry has the lowest effective tax rate on investments and an EI system that provides significant net subsidies.
  13. Quebec did not harmonize the QST with the GST in 1991 -- if they adopted the GST base like Ont and Atlantic they would get money. #cdnpoli
  14. @kevinmilligan Agree Kevin. I was replying about the current take-up. Rich will use room right away -- but real revenue cost builds.
  15. @stephenfgordon wait until you see tomorrow's poll -- that will change everything!
  16. @kevinmilligan pretty easy to set up TFSA. Hardly any cost so why not even if $1 million in taxable assets.
  17. Why a small urban agenda this election might be good. #cdnpoli
  18. Joke of the debate. "Mr. Harper, our numbers add up -- $6 billion in corporate taxes." Name one credible estimate of the number #cdnpoli