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  1. #Canucks if I jinxed you is there any way I can un-jinx?
  2. I really needed you today and you are sick Mr. #hootsuite. Not your fault, but still...get well soon!
  3. Sky is clear, sun is out and so is #playbook!
  4. #Canucks in hot seat!!! Don't want to jinx, but they have the last year's champ tamed.
  5. New Worldcup Cricket Champion - INDIA after 28 years !!!!!! #cwc2011
  6. Crazy lineups at the #gas stations. Hear price going up 5c/lit tonight. Congrats oil companies, report billions in profit this quarter!
  7. I have got my daffodil pin, have you? #DaffodilMonth
  8. So happy, I got my white board hung up in my new office. Can't live without it!
  9. In the finals #cwc2011. Love it! Go India Go!
  10. After all, the CEOs are no different - except they have "no whining zone" sign up all the time:
  11. Thx @LynZee. Hear pdfs have quirks with zoom in/out on #ereader. Agree on ePub. I am hearing it is the most ereader type agnostic format.
  12. If I want to make my #PDF docs accessible on #ereaders, what format should I convert them to so that they are readable on most #e-readers?
  13. Did not bet on India beating Australia in the World Cup 2011 cricket quarter finals! Too late! #cwc2011
  14. Join the Fight. April is #DaffodilMonth add a #twibbon & show those affected by cancer they're not alone @cancersociety
  15. Goodbye #11NTC
  16. Note to self: Check out the features on Good example of socialweb #11NTCsocsite