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  1. @ettugmw It doesn't. It means seats in cabinet. People use it, incorrectly, to mean any form of cooperation.
  2. @kempthead Takes a big man etc. Not having ever made any errors I can only speculate.
  3. @camdearlove It's possible you're already voting Liberal. He's not worried about you.
  4. @mc79hockey And of course, gives NDP an excuse to take same message to left-wing voters: you don't have to vote Liberal to stop the Tories.
  5. @mc79hockey Possibly. Don't know. Reaction suggests not. Gives Tories a hook to hammer point home to centre-right voters.
  6. @reneestephen Some people. Lots of people. A majority of people. But not people he needs to reach.
  7. But so far as people are averse to the idea of the Liberals and NDP collaborating, he may not ever get the chance to do so.
  8. There's no way he can get around this. If he wants to form a govt, he very likely can't do it without the NDP (and the Bloc's) help.
  9. But there's a reason he didn't want to talk abt it. Not bcs it's wrong or bad. But bcs it ties him more tightly to the NDP than he'd like.
  10. Ignatieff gave exactly the right answer to Mansbridge's question today. He could not evade it longer: much better to face it head on.
  11. @BradNicpon Ontario 85 was not a coalition.
  12. It was: He's the leader.
  13. But then he was asked about coalitions, specificall, and Ignatieff's blanket disavowal of same. And the answer he gave was not: I agree.
  14. He was giving the standard - and right, and necessary - civics lesson on who gets to form a govt: whoever has the confidence of the House.
  15. That was a verrrry interesting answer Bob Rae just gave on Sun TV.
  16. @markdjarvis Agreed. Conventions are like guard rails on the highway. They're a help, but you really don't want to just drive into them...
  17. @RosieBarton ... of post-elxn takedown without actually saying it.
  18. @RosieBarton Iggy's disavowal of "coalitions" at start of campaign was intended to leave people thinking he would not engage in any sort ...
  19. @RosieBarton Both sides have been exploiting the ambiguity and confusion surrounding the word when it suits.
  20. @markdjarvis ... we'll declare it dead." Saves the trouble of, you know, AMENDING the constitution.