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  1. On @CTV_PowerPlay with the ever witty @dsmartin56 and insightful Joel-Denis Bellavance of La Presse today at approx 5:45pm EST.
  2. On Mark Sutcliffe's show this afternoon on CPAC talking about #elxn41
  3. @canadianglen canceling procurements generally doesn't turn out well... We STILL don't have those helicopters...
  4. @canadianglen don't think so, the whole pooled int'l procurement is supposed to make it more appealing. That wud be decidedly unappealing!
  5. @pmlagasse I see nothing wrong w a binary choice btw 15 yr procurements 4 an item or single sourcing. Are u suggesting something else? Gasp!
  6. @canadianglen the engines are PW but GOC contracts to DOD who contracts to Lockheed Martin, who then sends plane to Canada. Confused yet? ;)
  7. @CanadianSense thank you! I try to do things in depth as best I can :)
  8. @pmlagasse ah procurement, where policy and math meet... plus throw in some politics, some IRBs, subtract some logic. Oh the fun!
  9. @CanadianSense we do try, I promise. But the whole multi-platform, 24/7 news cycle sucks. Not an excuse though.
  10. @pmlagasse this is why I became a journalist. Bad at math.
  11. @InklessPW this assumes Canadians are not at all Hobbesian and cannot appreciate power! Could backfire!
  12. Slightly amused question was asked as to whether people think the girls and guys at DND would also buy cars w no engine in them.
  13. Source telling me the F-35s absolutely have engines & included in cost (whatever that is, there's a range on the estimated per plane cost).
  14. @pmlagasse agree w your tweets. While I have seen some odd things come out of DND, the idea they bought fighter jets w/o engines #doubtful
  15. @taylor_owen @acoyne @jeffjarvis but he is #winning! ;)
  16. @acoyne for the win on rating honesty vs idiocy re: Trump's crazy foreign policy plans cc: @taylor_owen @jeffjarvis
  17. This makes me sad: RT @cnnbrk Best-selling author forced to defend against claims he lied.