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  1. Listen to CBC Radio's The House Sat. a.m. for provinces reax to 6% health escalator promises made on campaign trail. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. @RunnertheFirst you're a day late on discovering that story!
  3. oh my. RT @cbcamber: Speechless. This is a joke, right?
  4. Exactly because of that. RT @LaurenceWall: Why is it that when politicians say "our position is clear", what follows is anything but?
  5. @nickgamache but you were doing so well to juggle both!?!
  6. bet that made your day! RT @jenditchburn: Finding a secret note of affection your kid hid in your bag. @1000Awesome
  7. I seem to spend a lot of my time waiting for interviewees to call me. At least it gives me time to check out twitter. #cdnpoli
  8. @RosieBarton that is good news.
  9. @JoePublic_ca I think her term is almost up, anyway. #cdnpoli
  10. @journo_dale and there you go!
  11. @journo_dale or perhaps that Ottawa is broken.
  12. Layton says young first nations need to be encouraged to vote. Also many voting challenges in remote places. #elxn41
  13. Layton ( in La Ronge) says apology for residential schools should have been followed by real action to improve First Nations lives. #elxn41
  14. @kingskam MY first time not the ndp's.
  15. And now a little Neil diamond.
  16. Lots of singing on the NDP bus here in Saskatoon. Bus driver very tolerant. #elxn41