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  1. Mochrie + #cdnpoli = awesome. RT @natnewswatch: Is that Colin Mochrie? RT @kady #elxn41
  2. Looking at future Easter dates. Last time my birthday fell on Easter, I turned 2. Next time? I'll be turning 86.
  3. RT @nicholasosborne: Death Cab For Cutie - "Some Boys"
  4. @rprus Statistics can pique my interest, too, Prusakowski -- not just yours!
  5. What. RT @amayeda: Harper throws bean bags at photo op at seniors' home; throws 3rd one at media "by accident," hits camera man #cpc #elxn41
  6. @imoggach Thank you for reminding me how awesome you are.
  7. Other general observations: wine is still becoming more popular, N.L. had the largest increase in beer sales at 14.7%.
  8. Reading today's StatsCan report: "Control and sale of alcoholic beverages." Beer + liquor stores sold $9.2 billion worth of beer in 2009-10.
  9. @bethanybhorne @wolfewylie I've been waiting for the day when splash pants could become acceptable in a social situation once again.
  10. @wolfewylie Hahaha. Sounds like a plan (until the cold rain hits - but you can't escape that).
  11. @wolfewylie Hold on- TO can be cold too. Both cities are just jaded about different things: traffic + density vs. dealing with politics :)
  12. @wolfewylie Okay yes, my iPhone informs me it is raining in Toronto, too. Toronto bikers can be champs as well.
  13. RT @brucemp: Anybody who biked to work in #Ottawa today is a freaking champion.
  14. 140 characters is now officially too short to talk about a) political views and b) what traits make men "dashing".
  15. @MFraiman Now I'm not sure what I'm more concerned about: that you believe I considered vintage Harper or Kutcher/Bieber to be "dashing".
  16. Is it just me, or are there serious traces of Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber there? MT @MFraiman: #hipsterharper