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  1. There it is. Crowd loves it. What a surprise.
  2. We're heading into 21st century belongs to Canada windup. Wait for Olympic reference.
  3. I count over 700 here. And they're fired up--at least by Tory standards.
  4. Warns NDP would force up the GST
  5. Coalition "would trust NDP with the economy and the Bloc with the country" new line!
  6. At Burnaby Tory rally Harper goes after NDP, their real foe in BC
  7. Harper brushes off Lib attack ad on health care says Tories have better record on funding increases. And we're done.
  8. Reporter asks why political staffers getting raises. Overall office budgets being cut harper replies.
  9. Harper refuses to be drawn in on HST referendum. Will work with province whatever happens he says.
  10. Recipients of victims services program thank Harper for his efforts on their behalf.
  11. On top of everything else, if you're convicted of a sex crime, you have to pay the victims more money. Deterrence.
  12. Harper speaking in Vancouver Quadra. Tories have hopes here. Guess what? There thinking of getting tough on crime.
  13. Now on to Vancouver--home of great seafood and swing ridings.
  14. Harper rally ends in Saskatoon. Doubt we'll be back to this Tory bastion.
  15. Harper tells crowd he knows "you do not want to be part of my life of perpetual campaigns." Who does?
  16. Harper praises Tory Sask Preem Brad Wall for helping with economic recovery. He faces an election too.
  17. Maybe Libs will say: "Harper ignores middle aged on crime."
  18. Harper pushes promise to make crimes against seniors aggravating factor in sentencing.
  19. Oh that's good. Harper singles out NDP for opposing budget. They're the real threat in Sask.
  20. Harper offers help for flooding in Man. and Sask. Then encourages people to clap.